Theorem: If the same transformation in dimension that happened at the moment of conception also occurs at the moment of death, then the afterlife extends life through all of time and space.

Variables/Terms: Birth, Death, Position in Space, Position In Time, Awareness, Space, Time/Space, Infinity

I. Conception Happens at a Moment in Time and Space

1. Understanding Birth: A Clear Definition

In the realm of profound inquiry, we delve into the phenomenon of birth - a momentous event that signifies the inception of life itself. In the context of this discourse, birth pertains specifically to the very commencement of existence, that sacred instant when life's first flicker emerges into being. As I speak of birth, I refer to none other than the moment of conception - the genesis of life within a single cell.

It is a pivotal notion to grasp that life, in its essence, adopts a binary nature - a dual state akin to the computer bit's fundamental dichotomy of on or off. Birth, then, stands as the precise juncture in time and space when this binary nature unfolds before us. In the moment of conception, life surges forth from the realm of off to that of on, awakening from a state of quiescence into a profound state of growth and vitality. From that very instant, life embarks on its journey. Such is the pattern we discern in the observation of life's grand design.

In the ceaseless cadence of life's beginning and end, we perceive the intricacies of existence, ever unfolding in a symphony of transitions. Birth, in its quintessence, marks the threshold of this ethereal dance - the point of embarkation for the celestial voyage of life itself. May we, as seekers of truth, remain attuned to the sacred mysteries that dwell within life's fundamental essence, forever pondering the binary nature that shapes our existence, from the moment of birth to the final breath of life.

2. Navigating the Path to Understanding the Afterlife

Solving for the afterlife is a matter of looking at what we have and solving for what is missing. Shown below is a life, what we know, and what we do not know:

birth, death, what we can see

Put yourself in place of the person in the illustration. Here we are alive, located in between birth and death on a timeline. From our position between birth and death, we can see the output side of birth and we can see the input side of death.

What we cannot see is the output side of death. This lies outside our view. From our perspective between birth and death, we cannot see this. Our problem is to solve for output side of death. The output side of death is the unknown quantity. This section will provide the answer to what lies on the other side of death.

3. In Geometry, Conception Marks the Moment of Birth

First, understand that for this discussion I am not talking about birth as childbirth, approximately nine months after conception. I am talking about the spark of life that occurs at the beginning of life. I am talking about the moment of conception. Conception is the exact moment in time when life begins.

For the duration of this discussion, we are referring to conception, not birth by the mother. That takes place nine months after the birth I am talking about. It is critically important to differentiate between birth and conception. Within this context, we are talking about conception. Conception is the moment when life turns on.

I want to step away from the physical being and think about just life. I am not talking about the manifestation of life. I am talking about life itself. At conception, a change in life takes place. This change is from not having a life to having a life. A moment before this change there was no life. A moment after this change, there is life. The change took place in a single moment in time as shown below.

the moment of brith when life begins

Life began at a moment in time. Conception was not something that took place over a duration of time. Conception was a spark. It was a quantum change, from nothing to life, that took place in an instant. In computer parlance, life went from 0 to 1. It went from off to on. This transition took place in a moment. Conception is an event that takes place at the moment in time when life begins.

4. Exploring Life Through Geometric Concepts

To be able to solve for afterlife we have to define life first. A firm understanding of life is a requirement to understand the afterlife. To quantify life, we turn to the mathematics of geometry. Consider the geometrical definition of a point:

1. A geometric point has no height, no width, and no depth.
2. A geometric point has no dimension.
3. Yet a geometric point exists.
4. A geometric point has a position in the universe.
5. A geometric point also has a position in time.

You cannot see a point. It is too small. You cannot measure a point. It has no dimension. Yet it exists. It has a position. A point exists at a location in the universe. It exists within space.

Now consider life...

In the realm of existence, life assumes the identical qualities of a geometric point, illustrated thus:

1. Life has no height, width, or depth.
2. Life has no physical dimension.
3. Yet life exists.
4. Life exists at a position in the universe.
5. Life exists at a position in time.

Life evades measurement for its essence has no physical dimensions. And yet, it prevails, firmly manifested in the tapestry of existence. It occupies a unique location in both space and time, staking its claim. Evident at a singular point, life's manifestations greet our senses, confirming its undeniable existence.

5. Clarifying Awareness with Three-Dimensional Software

The beginning of life at birth is analogous to a camera turning on in 3D modeling software. Here is a picture of the camera (shown in orange) in a three-dimensional environment called Blender.

We can describe birth as the moment the camera turns on. Imagine, in your mind's eye, a scene like this when the camera is turned on. When birth occurs, the camera turns on. The camera starts to perceive. Suddenly the camera becomes aware of its environment. This is analogous to what happens at birth.

To get an idea of what happens at birth, we need to take a closer look at the camera within the context of 3D modeling software. Here are the parameters for the camera as defined within the software.

The camera is located within the three-dimensional space. Take note of the location fields. The camera exists at a specific point within the environment. The point has a specific x, y, and z location. Note there is only one point within the environment where the camera exists. For the sake of argument, the camera exists at a single point. Our awareness is like the camera. It can be thought of as a single point of awareness within its three-dimensional environment.

It is important to note the camera has a location in time too. Within the 3D modeling software, the camera has a time parameter which is shown here:

The blue box on the lower, left shows the current time location of the camera. Like space, the camera can move through time, however, at any given time it exists at only one moment in time.

In summary, the camera exists at a specific point in space and at a specific moment in time. This is important because this represents the output of birth. Afterlife is a geometric proof. As such, it is important to define, in geometric terms, awareness during life. Just like the camera in the three-dimensional software, awareness exists at a single point in time-space. This defines the state of awareness during life. In geometry terms, awareness is a single point within the environment. The during-life awareness exists at a single geometric point within its space-time environment, exactly like the camera exists at a point within its four-dimensional software world.

6. Exploring the Moment of Life's Beginning

Gaze upon the illustration depicting life's beginning below. Observe the ignition of life - that precise point in the vast expanse of time and space where life emerges. To the left of that defining instant, life remains absent; to the right, it flourishes. Life can be retraced to a single moment in time and space, where our existence began.

point in time and space when life begins

In geometric terms, life began at a specific moment in time and space. Then life moves forward, in time and space, from that location. Life did not come into being gradually, as in a built-up over time. Life came into being as a spark, making a quantum leap from no life to life. One moment life did not exist. Then conception occurred and the next moment life did exist.

7. Understanding the Geometry of Life's Beginning

This is the view of looking through the camera in three-dimensional software called Blender. It is the same scene as above, only this time we are looking through the camera. Our location is at the camera, a single point within the environment. This is our view from that point.

The moment life begins is analogous to the moment we turn the camera on. It can be thought of as awareness coming alive. The camera has begun to perceive the outside environment. To make this happen we render the scene as follows:

To start the camera recording I go to the Render menu and pull down to Render Animation. When I do this the camera turns on. It begins recording. This is similar to the beginning of life. At the moment of conception, our camera turns on. It begins recording. It becomes aware. It becomes alive.

So the beginning of life is the moment the camera turns on and begins recording. In geometric terms, we have awareness at a point in the environment that turns on and begins to record within the environment. We can see that in the program's timeline shown here:

When Render Animation is clicked, the recording turns on. This is shown by the blue button with a white dot above. The current location is shown as the blue 155 in the timeline. This is the moment awareness is currently located. The time start location, shown on the upper right, is 1. This represents the beginning of life. The time-end location is 250. This represents the end of life. The camera begins at point 1, then moves through time towards point 250. The image above shows the camera at point 155, slightly more than halfway between the start and end of life.

In summary, we have awareness represented by the camera, which is alive and perceiving the environment. It turns on at frame one. It continues to record, thought of as being aware of the environment until the end of life at frame 250. In geometric terms, we have a single point within an unlimited time-space continuum exactly as shown in this three-dimensional software. It is important to know that awareness is a single point surrounded by time-space that is limitless.

II. The Birth Machine Analogy: Explained

1. Metaphorical Conception of the Mechanism of Birth

Life exists after conception. Life did not exist before conception. At the moment of conception, something happened. When the spark of life occurs, we have life when before we had nothing. After conception, you have an existence emanating from a location within time and space. This existence has a position in both time and space. The transition from nothing to existence took place in an instant.

Picture the crafting of a contraption, depicted below, that breathes life into being. This machine holds the remarkable power to conceive life, conjuring it from the void in an instant. The inner workings, the mechanics hidden from view, need not occupy our thoughts right now. Our focus is only on the input that graces the machine, the resultant yield it produces, and the fleeting duration of time that it takes. Gaze upon this representation:

analogy of a birth machine

We do not know how life happens. All we know is that it does happen. Here is how our machine works:

1. We take nothing and put it into the input side of our birth machine.
2. It passes through the machine in an instant.
3. It comes out of the output side of the machine as life.

There is nothing explained here that we do not see in everyday life. This is simply a matter of describing birth in an unconventional (and mechanical) way. All I did was define conception (the beginning of life) in geometric terms. I am saying:

1. Before conception, there was no life.
2. After conception there is life.
3. The transition at conception from no life to life took place in an instant.

2. Defining The Transition At The Beginning Of Life

I want to take a closer look at our birth machine. We understand that conception takes place at the beginning of life. To understand how conception works in geometric terms, let us look at the precise moment life begins, shown as the black vertical line. To the left of the line, there is no life. This is shown in red. To the right of the line, there is life. This is shown in blue.

There is no life before birth, then life goes through birth, to become life

1. On the left (red input) side we put in nothing.
2. Inside the machine, at a precise moment, life begins.
3. Life is expelled out the right (blue output) side.
4. This transition, from nothing to life, took place in an instant.

To understand this concept completely we need to take a look at the transition at birth in a three-dimensional view:

birth machine at the plane of conception shown in perspective

In this view we've tilted this back to show the geometry. The height, width, and depth coordinates represent the specific point within the environment where life begins. The horizontal coordinate is time. The red plane, perpendicular to time, represents the exact moment in time when life begins. This drawing is intended to show this important fact: Life begins at one specific moment in time and space.

3. A Look Back To The Beginning Of Life

Think back to the moment your life started. You are looking back at the output side of conception. Using our birth machine analogy, what you see is the blue output side of the machine. Visually you can only see the blue output side. The red input side is hidden from view. That looks like this:

the view of birth looking back during life

The important point is: During Life We Look Back At The Output Side Of Birth

4. A Look Forward To The End of Life

When we look forward to the end of life, we are looking at the red input side of birth. Visually that looks like this:

The view of death looking forward from the present time


5. The Full Picture: Life Between Birth and Death

What we have is a life existing in time, between birth and death. Visually that looks like this:

man as life standing between birth and death in time

Putting it all together we make this assertion:

1. Conception takes place at the beginning of life. Life begins in an instant. This is a slice of time.

2. Life is the output of conception. Life is located in time, between birth and death.

3. During life, we see the output side of birth and the input side of death.

6. Exploring Birth, Life, and Death Through Geometry

This diagram shows birth, life, and death in perspective. It looks like this:

a lifeline showing the plane of birth and the plane of death in perspective

Looking back at birth we see the blue output side of birth. The moment of birth, when life begins, is represented by a blue plane. We cannot see before the plane. We can only see after the plane.

Looking forward toward death we see the red input side of birth. We can only see before this plane. We cannot see after the plane. During life, we see the output of birth (blue) and the input of death (red).

IV. Mathematically Demonstrating the Existence of Afterlife

1. Unveiling the Mathematical Equation of the Afterlife

To solve for the afterlife I want to look at the diagram below. In this diagram, life gets multiplied by 10 at the beginning of life. Life gets multiplied again by 10 at the end of life. Birth and death are the same transition. They take what comes in and multiply it by ten. This is what that looks like:

how life as cube gets multiplied at birth and again at death

Here is how to read this diagram:

1. Starting at the left, we have a cube one unit.

2. It transitions through birth where it gets expanded 10 times to become a cube that is now 10 units.

3. The cube transitions through birth a second time. This time, however, it went in as a 10-unit cube.

4. It gets multiplied again, by 10 times, and comes out as a cube that is now 100 units.

The transition, at birth and death, is not a 10-fold expansion. It is, however, in that direction. Life goes up at birth and it goes up again at death. I have put this into the following equation. The question mark (lower right) represents the afterlife. This equation says it all. If you can look at this, and solve for afterlife, you'll have the answer.

a mathematical equation of life, birth, death, and unknown quantity

This equation reads as follows: Nothing Is To Life, As Life Is To Afterlife. This is how we tie birth and death together mathematically.

2.Examining the Birth Component of the Equation

The ratio on the left is the birth side of the equation. It shows what exists before birth on top. It shows what exists after birth on the bottom.

Afterlife Geometry Analogy - The Birth Side of the Equation

The Output Side of Birth

On the birth side of the equation, we have what exists before birth on top and what exists after birth on the bottom. We can illustrate what is on the bottom using three-dimensional software called Blender. Think of the moment of birth as when life begins. This is the moment when the camera turns on. In three dimensions, it looks like this.

Mathematically, in the case of life, this camera turns on located at the center of the environment. Here is the control panel that shows camera parameters.

We can see the camera exists in the scene collection above. It is active, on, and recording. This is the after condition of birth. Notice the camera location below. The camera exists at 0 in X, 0 in Y, and 0 in Z. It is located at the center. Notice that the camera, moreover life itself, is a single point, aware, and at the center of the environment.


The Input Side of Birth

To show the condition before birth occurred, we merely have to delete the camera. This is done easily enough as shown here.

To delete the camera, we merely right-click it, and then select delete. The camera is removed from the environment. That looks like this:

Here is the control panel for the scene after deleting the camera. That looks like this:

You can see there is no camera in the environment. The camera was a single point. Now that single point is gone. It does not exist. In summary, on the birth side of the equation on the top we have nothing. No awareness. On the bottom, the output side of the birth we have awareness. Awareness is like the camera. It is on and it is located at a single point in the center of the environment. Put in geometric terms - we have a relationship of nothing versus a single point.

3. Examining the Death Component of the Equation

The ratio on the right is the death side of the equation. It shows what exists before death on top. It shows what exists after death on the bottom. The bottom is the answer to what the afterlife will be.

Afterlife Geometry Analogy - The Death Side of the Equation

The Input Side of Death

On the death side of the equation we have a single point. We were a single point at the moment of birth and that hasn't changed. Like the camera, it turned on recording from a single point at conception. It is still on and recording the last moment of life. Here is the situation as we head into the input side of death.

The camera is on, perceiving the environment. Here is the control panel of the camera.

You can see the camera location at the bottom of this graphic. The important thing to realize is that it is a single point. It has a unique location in X, Y, and Z. The camera is not a fuzzy ball of awareness. It is a single, focused point.

So we state this problem like this:

Nothing is to a single point, as a single point is to what?


The Output Side of Death

Take your single point and compress it to the smallest possible thing. That is nothing. Then take your single point and expand it to the largest possible thing. That is the environment. In the software, that looks like this:

Geometry is resolution-independent. This graphic represents the environment. Envision this graphic as all of the environment. The human mind is resolution-independent as well. That means the details within the environment will be razor-sharp, regardless of how close you look. That is because 3D software uses geometry as opposed to being bit-mapped. Blender three-dimensional software works like this. The human mind works like this too. It is based on geometry.

The answer to what is on the output side of death, is the environment. It is unlimited in width, height, and depth.

On the right side of the equation, we have a single point going in and we have unlimited space coming out. That way our equation is in balance. To put this another way, we go into death as a single point and we come out as unlimited space.

It is not enough to state that the mind expands at death. While true, this lacks definition. To truly understand the afterlife we need to define exactly how much the mind expands. To do this I will start with one single question: What time is it?

When I ask you what time it is you are going to respond with a specific year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. You are going to answer me with an exact moment in time. What you are describing is an exact location on a timeline. You don't describe two moments. There is only one. The present is unique. It is a point in time.

Life in the other three dimensions is described the same way. Next, I ask you this: Where are you?

You are going to tell me the country, state, city, address, and location within the room where you are located. Like time, you are located in space at a specific point. To sum it all up: Your location is a point in time and space where you exist.

Life exists at a point within time and space. It emanates from that location. Coming out of birth we have a life stemming from a location within time-space. Now we put position (the point where life exists) into our equation. It now looks like this:

solving an equation for life after death

The equation reads as follows: Nothing Is To Position As Position Is To All Time And Space.

What we have on the left is nothing on top and a single point (position) on the bottom. What we have on the right is a single point on top and all of our time-space on the bottom. The ratios (left and right) are exactly the same. In terms of geometry, this mathematics works out precisely. It is the true picture of the afterlife.

4. Determining the Solution for the Afterlife Equation

The equation above describes the mathematical structure of afterlife. Before our death, we are position within time and space, like a point. After death we are all of time and space, like the surrounding universe.

This geometric structure is not entirely accurate because surrounding time and space sounds like an empty box. This is not true. We will be reunited with loved ones. We are indeed located at a position in time-space during life, but our lives are full of friends. Describing life as a position does not do it justice because it leaves out the emotional component. Life is rich, interesting, and vibrant. It is full of individuals. A point, by comparison, seems sterile and lifeless.

When I say we are position going into the end of life what I mean is we are life going into the end of life. The emotional content of lifetime, in its entirety, is what comes out of the birth machine at the end of life as illustrated below:

equation that predicts that life multiplied through birth equals everything

The key to understanding afterlife is to apply the geometric understanding of position undergoing dimensional change to become all of time and space then, on top of that, multiply the emotional content of life itself. Replace position with life. While technically equivalent, life is a more accurate picture of what we are and will become.

Imagine meeting all your friends, acquaintances, and loved ones all at once. Feel the emotional content of your best day, only infinitely more expansive. The answer to the afterlife lies in taking life itself and passing it through the same expansion factor that occurred at birth. Life undergoes a dimensional change upward, in proportion to a point becoming all space and time.

Afterlife is an explosion of life. Life transitions from the smallest possible thing (location) to the largest possible thing (universe throughout time). An explosion of awareness of infinite magnitude happens at the moment life ends. Infinite magnitude means that life explodes to become everything. Afterlife includes everything and everybody.

One final reflection: The mathematics of afterlife is developed from the perspective of the individual involved. When I say throughout all time, I mean throughout all time relative to the individual. All time encompasses every moment from the beginning of their life to the end. From that person's perspective, that is all time. In the same manner, all space is all space relative to the individual. That means their environment. To that person, their environment is all space. When you learn to look at life this way, from the perspective of the individual, the mathematics of afterlife falls into place. This simple, elegant, beautiful mathematical concept works out perfectly.

5. What Lies Ahead: Exploring the Afterlife

Afterlife is greater than anything imaginable. As you will see in other Proof Of Afterlife sections, the mind is small during life. It is embryonic. Much of the environment passes directly into memory without us being aware of it. Everything includes a lot more than we know.

The transition of time and space is momentous. The dimensional change in life that takes place at the end is infinite. Afterlife is not a multiplication of life from one to ten, or of one to one hundred. It is a complete dimensional change of life from the smallest geometric entity (a point) to the largest geometric entity (all time and space). The afterlife is grander than anything imaginable. Whatever you are thinking; double it. Then double it again. You are still not even close.

If I had to describe afterlife it would include the following:

1. You become all knowledge.
2. You see everyone you have ever known.
3. You become all seeing and knowing.
4. You become all time.
5. You become all space.

As grand as these statements are they are still an understatement. We cannot possibly comprehend the scope of what is coming.

6. Conclusion: Unbounded Expansion of Awareness

In the realm of profound contemplation, I understand that you may harbor doubts about the physical feasibility of the afterlife's expansion in time and space. Allow me to shed light on this enigma, and in so doing, we shall traverse the labyrinthine of understanding.

Afterlife is indeed a transformation - a transition of the mind from point to space. As we enter the end of life, the mind unfurls from a solitary point in time and space to encompass the vast tapestry of all existence. It is a transcendent passage, a change of dimension, where life transcends the confines of the present moment and embarks upon a timeless voyage, spanning the reaches of all time and space.

In that fleeting moment of death, life's thread is gently extinguished. Yet within that very instant, the opposite also occurs. The entirety of time turns inside-out and expands. Such is the extraordinary nature of this transition - it requires but a solitary moment to expand to all time. Indeed, life as we know it ceases to survive beyond that pivotal moment of death. However, that moment itself holds the entirety of time within it. It is akin to a singular location that expands to encompass the vastness of all space. This enigmatic feat may seem perplexing, but therein lies the key to the afterlife - the key known as memory.

Memory is the repository of time and space. It is the culmination of a lifetime's accumulation of experiences, through our time traversing space. As we journey through life, memory absorbs each space, forming a time-space continuum that lays the foundation for our transformation at the end. So, in the forthcoming proofs, I shall explain this phenomenon, unveiling the mysteries that lie shrouded within memory. Memory is the medium that enables our transition from a single point within time and space to the boundless expanse of all existence..

We find that afterlife transcends the confines of the physical body, for it emerges as an expansion originating from a singular location. We fail to witness the transition in others within our immediate surroundings because we do not see it from their perspective. The revelation of afterlife is only seen by people personally embarking on this extraordinary journey. They alone bear witness to the mind's majestic unfolding. Rest assured that the afterlife does not hinge upon our outside observation, for its verity is limited to the person going through it. Afterlife, indeed, counters the notion of life coming to an end. Rather, it emerges as a grand metamorphosis, where the mind sheds its earthly cocoon and blossoms into a boundless existence - a transformation hidden from the external gaze of others but profoundly experienced within.

The Proof of Afterlife by Birth sets forth the premise that birth and death, though seemingly different, are but two sides of the same event. The very act of life reaching its conclusion initiates a reactionary opposite, wherein the mind changes into the infinite. We, the inhabitants of this grand journey, become the mathematical inverse of our earthly selves. A moment, fleeting yet profound, unleashes an infinite explosion of awareness, transcending all boundaries of time and space. In that moment, everything unfolds - the expanse of knowledge without bounds.

The conclusion of this proof, my fellow voyagers, brings us one step closer to grasping the enigmatic nature of afterlife - an odyssey that takes us beyond the earthly confines and into the realm of infinite awareness. Let us seek solace in the knowledge that the mind does not end at the moment of death. Let us rejoice in the coming reunion with everything we have known and loved.

-- This concludes Proof Of Afterlife by Birth --