Evidence: The consistent resemblances found in NDE accounts - out of body experiences, deep affection, tunnel passages, radiant light, life reviews, boundless wisdom, and reunions with loved ones - serve as testament to the mind changing dimension into the limitless expanse of space-time.
Variables/Terms: Near Death Experience (NDE), Out Of Body Experience (OBE), Life Review, Memory, Conscious, Awareness, Space, Time
Near Death Experience (NDE) - an occurrence in which a person comes very close to dying and has memories of a spiritual experience (such as meeting dead friends and family members or seeing a white light) during the time when death was near. Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary [1]
Out-of-body Experience - An out-of-body experience (OBE or sometimes OOBE) is a phenomenon in which a person perceives the world from a location outside their physical body. An OBE is a form of autoscopy (literally "seeing self"), although this term is more commonly used to refer to the pathological condition of seeing a second self. By Wikipedia [2]
Life Review - The term life review, or flashback before death, refers to a phenomenon widely reported as occurring during near-death experiences, in which a person rapidly sees much or the totality of their life history. Life review is often described by people claiming to have experienced this phenomenon as "having their life flash before their eyes". By Wikipedia [3]
Memory - The power or process of retaining, reproducing or recalling what has been experienced. The ability to store information and retain it from an organism's activity or experience. An image, recollection, or impression of one that is remembered from the past. A device (such as a chip) or a component of an electronic device (such as a computer) in which information can be inserted and stored and from which it may be extracted when wanted. The capacity for storing information. The part of a computer in which data or program instructions can be stored and later retreived.
Conscious - To be aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, and surroundings. To be fully aware of and/or sensitive to something. Having the one's mental faculties fully active. To know oneself. To be aware of what one is doing.
Awareness - To be alert and awake; not sleeping or comatose. To be aware of one's surroundings, one's own thoughts and motivations, etc. Relating to a part of the human mind that is aware of a person's self, environment, and mental activity.
Space - space, a boundless, three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction. By Britannica [4]
Time - time, a measured or measurable period. There are four dimensions: length, width, depth, and time. Time is the fourth dimension. Time is duration. Time, combined with Space becomes a timespace continuum.
I. Prevalence And Characteristics Of Near Death Experience
1. Five Percent Of The Population Has Been Close To Death
A near death experience, or NDE, is a fairly common occurrence that happens to people that have come close to death. It has been described as a religous experience where people leave their bodies, feel well-being and love, meet past loved ones, and often undergo a life in review. People who experience NDE report the same characteristics. So much so that medical research is at a loss to explain it. About five percent of the population has been close enough to death to catch a glimpse of what it might entail.
Five Percent Have Had A Near-death Experience - And They Say It Made Life Worth Living
Dr. Greyson has published hundreds of academic papers and co-founded the International Association for Near-Death Studies. His search for answers is chronicled in his new book "After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond." Found On Amazon [5] According to Dr. Greyson's research, near-death experiences are fairly common. Some 10 percent to 20 percent of people who come close to death report them - about 5 percent of the population at large.
Dr. Bruce Greyson - Wikipedia [6]
2. Of Those Near Death, Twenty Perceent Have Seen NDE
Of the 8 billion people on earth, 400 million of them have been close to death and lived to talk about it. Their description of what took place are remarkably similar. There must be something to this. This cannot be mere happenstance. Could Proof of Afterlife shed light onto what is going on. One thing is for certain - NDE is real. These accounts are true. People actually saw this happening to them. We at Proof of Afterlfe believe them, totally. We know because these are the types of experiences we would predict to happen
Near-death Experiences Evidence For Their Reality
Near-death experiences (NDEs) are reported by about 17% of those who nearly die. NDEs have been reported by children, adults, scientists, physicians, priests, ministers, among the religious and atheists, and from countries throughout the world. While no two NDEs are the same, there are characteristic features that are commonly observed in NDEs. These characteristics include a perception of seeing and hearing apart from the physical body, passing into or through a tunnel, encountering a mystical light, intense and generally positive emotions, a review of part or all of their prior life experiences, encountering deceased loved ones, and a choice to return to their earthly life.
For Mo Med. 2014 Sep-Oct; 111(5): 372-380. Jeffrey Long, MD for www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov [7]
3. Common Elements in Stories of Near Death Experiences
Here is a list of common pattern of events that most people experiencing NDE report complied by Dr. Bruce Greyson. He is a researcher in the field of near death experience. Many people call him the father of NDE research. He is a Professor of Psychiatric Medicine in the Department of Psychiatric Medicine, Division of Outpatient Psychiatry, at the University of Virginia. Have been around patients that were near death, he found that they reported the same types of experiences. Here is a list of common pattern of events occurring with many NDE experiences.
Near-death experiences are intensely vivid and often life-transforming experiences, often occurring under extreme physiological conditions such as life-threatening trauma, cardiac arrest, or deep anesthesia in which no awareness of sensory experience of any kind should be possible, according to our current understanding of brain function. Near-death experiences, or NDEs, consist of a common pattern of events, often including such features as:
• thinking more clearly and more rapidly than usual
• a sense of overwhelming peace, well-being, and absolute, unconditional love
• feeling comfortable and free of pain
• a sensation of leaving the body, sometimes being able to see the body while floating above it
• a sensation of being drawn into a tunnel or darkness
• a brilliant light, often perceived as a being of light
• a life review, or return of memories from the past
• a sense of having access to knowledge not available by normal means
• encounters with deceased loved ones, or with other beings who may be identified as religious figures
https://www.brucegreyson.com Near-Death Experience Resources[8]
One of the most striking aspects of NDE is how similar they all are. If such visions are random firing of brain cells they should all be wildly different. The trouble is they are strikingly similar. One of the classic components of a near-death experience is meeting dead relatives on the other side. Could it be that NDE are the same because that's what happens when we die? For example, 24% said that they had had an out-of-body experience, 31% remembered moving through a tunnel, and 32% reported meeting with deceased people. In one study 41 unconnected people from 10 different hospitals recalled nearly-identical NDE experiences.
II. Four Categories of NDE Common Characteristics
1. Being Outside the Body: A Sensation Of Leaving The Body, Sometimes Being Able To See The Body While Floating Above It
The first characteristic of NDE is leaving the body. OBE is the sensation of being outside your physical body, as if you were above it. Four out of five people that experience NDE, report being outside their body. There are millions of people who have seen this.
No two NDEs are exactly alike, but Greyson has cataloged a few common elements. One, cited by some 80 percent of people who've had an NDE, is leaving your body.
5% Have Had A Near-death Experience by Reed Tucker nypost.com February 20, 2021
OBE is far too common to be written off as happenstance. OBE is real. You can exist outside your body. It is not an illusion. It is not a misrepresentation. People report this unequivocally. Why should we doubt what they are telling us? We should take what they see as fact. I do. It is fact.
A near death experience is a special form of OBE that occurs near death, as the name implies. Generally this phenomenon occurs under extreme physical trauma such as an accident or surgery. Oftentimes the person is pronounced clinically dead. Among the descriptions noted are sensations of floating, hovering above the physical body and feelings of peace and serenity. Numerous other accounts mention a bright light or a tunnel of light as well as interacting with spiritual beings.
Near death experiences like out of body experiences, show that consciousness can and does exist outside of the physical body. Many people believe that NDE's unequivocally prove that life after death exists. While most scientists and skeptics would disagree, there are those who are coming out on the side of the afterlife.
Obe's And Nde's: What Are They? by Anomalien.com 09/27/2019
2. Memory: A Life Review, Or Return Of Memories From The Past - Encounters With Deceased Loved Ones, Or With Other Beings
The second characteristic of NDE is life in review. Many people close to death experience a life in review. While OBE (above) deals with displacement in three dimensions, life in review deals with the fourth dimension. The phenomenon of seeing your life flash before your eyes when close to death is so prevalent it is accepted. What is the reason why memory of the past becomes hyper active near death?
Another well-known feature (experienced by about one quarter of those having an NDE) is the "life review" - in which a person's life flashes before their eyes.
5% Have Had A Near-death Experience by Reed Tucker nypost.com February 20, 2021 [9]
Life in review, in terms of geometry, speaks to displacement within time. During life, conscious awareness stays in the present moment. When near death, the evidence suggests that conscious awareness moves in time. The result of moving back in time is experiencing moments from the past. Life in review is how patients describe the experience of having their conscious awareness wander from the present in time.
Many near-death experience survivors of heaven and back recall the time they passed on beginning like a "movie reel of their life." In many ways, it sounds like a flashback of their time here but on nitrous oxide. Wow, that would be wild reliving all of the things we'd seen and felt our entire lives, instantly. NDE survivors tell stories of watching their movie as if it were being played on a projector, clicking away. Other near-death experience survivors tell a story that's more like watching something on television only what they saw was themselves. They also saw all of the people they loved and the things they experienced while still alive. Only they weren't anymore, and they knew that.
Many NDE survivors reveal seeing on their way through heaven's gates the presence of family and friends that had previously died. I certainly hope that's the case for the record. I imagine most people who believe in heaven want to believe that their loved ones will be there to meet them once they die.
By Chase Clute, Published Mar 04, 2017 - For therichest.com [10]
3. Awareness: Thinking More Clearly And More Rapidly Than Usual - A Brilliant Light - A Sense Of Having Access To Knowledge Not Available By Normal Means -
The third characteristic of NDE is heightened awareness. You would think that as we near death, conscious awareness would wane. Evidence suggests the opposite to be true. People report seeing things sharper, brighter, and with more awareness than normal.
For those having an NDE, their thoughts get faster and clearer. Also, in Greyson's research, about two-thirds reported "extraordinarily vivid sensations - that most often involved exceptionally bright vision and unique colors, or exceptionally clear hearing and unique sounds," the author writes.
5% Have Had A Near-death Experience by Reed Tucker nypost.com February 20, 2021[11]
Awareness is a hard concept to quantify. However, it certainly appears that awareness does the opposite of what you would expect at the end of life. You would expect awareness to be extinguished. However, the opposite is true. It is growing larger and stronger.
The farther forward a person is propelled through the tunnel, the more knowledge can be received. The mind can feel like a sponge, growing and expanding in size with each addition. This knowledge may come in single words and in whole idea blocks. Everything can be understood as it is being soaked up or absorbed. The mind expands and absorbs as each new piece of information comes in. It is receiving knowledge that was already known but forgotten or mislaid, as if it were waiting to be picked up on the way by.
By Kevin Williams - Posted on September 27, 2019 - Virginia Rivers' Near-Death Experience [12]
4. Emotion: An Absolute, Unconditional Love, Overwhelming Peace, Well-being, Feeling Comfortable And Free Of Pain
The first three categories of NDE characteristics deal with space displacement, time displacement, and growing awareness. These are scientific concepts. The fourth category deals with something completely different - emotion. Through NDE reports, we can gain some insight into afterlife in terms of emotion.
It is an incredible feeling, the most beautiful 'place' which I ever visited during this life. It is like being in the heavenly place of the immense beauty of structures observed there and sounds perceived, it is our true home where our spirits reside.
The world, which I did enter, was pure light, pure resonations, pure oscillations, pure sound that all created an unbelievable beauty. Do you remember your early childhood and how you cuddled to your mother, felt absolutely safe, warm, and comforted? This is the same with the difference that the world which we are speaking about is the world of pure energy, a world where our souls reside.
By Jiri Kroc - Power of Positivity, Published on July 23, 2020 [13]
It is difficult to gain insight into what happens at the end of life emotionally. That is why these NDE reports are important and valuable. Nowhere else in the human experience can you get a glimpse as to what afterlife will feel like. I, like everyone else, can only gain knowledge from the experience of others. Evidence suggests that afterlife is immensely pleasurable. An incredible sense of unconditional love sounds pretty good to me. I believe it.
How A Woman Found Faith Through Her Near-Death Experience: "I'm At Peace"
Experiencing a sense of intense love and peace is typically linked to the brilliant white light at the end of the tunnel. Men and women describe this light as being all-knowing and as perfect, unconditional love. They don't distinguish the light from that of the energy of a higher power. In the recounting of her near-death experience, Nancy Rynes, author of Awakenings from the Light, describes how getting struck by a vehicle while riding her bike sent her into a state of dual consciousness.
She saw herself separated from her physical body while wondering if she had died. She survived the accident but then experienced death during a medically necessary surgery days later. She describes being welcomed into heaven and feeling an overwhelming and incredible sense of unconditional love.
Youtube Video: Youtube https://youtu.be/AZqAmIXCkNA
What's Heaven Like in Near-Death Experiences?
By Dr. Alejandra Vasquez, JD, CT - Certified Grief Counselor [14]
III. How Theory Of Afterlife Predicts Near Death Experience
1. What Theory Of Afterlife Asserts
Theory of Afterlife states clearly that the mind changes dimension at death:
• Before death, the mind is located at a position in time and space.
• After death, the mind becomes all of time and space.
Hence, the mind changes dimension at death, transitioning from position in time and space to all of time and space.
2. How Memory Makes Afterlife Possible
At first blush, the proposal of the mind becoming all of time and space seems ridiculous. It seems ridiculous that is, until you look at memory. Memory is your surrounding space. When you look at the outside world, what you are really looking at is memory. Memory is three dimensional space. Then, for every moment of life, that three dimensional space gets absorbed and retained. So what you have, over a lifetime, is three dimensional space for every moment of your life, in memory. Put another way, your memory is a four dimensional realm of time and space. It's easy to misinterpret your surrounding environment as the outside world. To interpret the outside world correctly, you have to see it from your perspective only. From your perspective, your surrounding space is all space. From your perspective, the span of time from conception to the present is all time. This is not semantics. Interpreting your personal time/space continuum as a mere subset of the outside world is incorrect. To you, your personal time space continuum is all space and time.
It is also incorrect to assume what you can remember equals your memory. What you can remember is a tiny, tiny, tiny fragment of your memory. Your memory is unlimited in terms of time and space. It is also perfect. There are no dropped bits. Remembering is merely your ability to bring up data. It is not the data itself.
So what you have as you approach the end of life is the environments of every moment of your life. In other words, you have unlimited time and space in memory. So the ability of the mind to transition from positiion to all time and space is not far fetched at all. All time and space already exists. It's there waiting at the end of life. It is what the mind will expand into. So what you have, when the end of life arrives, is a time that has changed dimension to become time and space.
There is one final piece that speaks to the awesome power of memory. The skeptic will say that the mind cannot possibly change dimension because the physical body has died and can no longer support it. Here again, they are incorrectly viewing things from the perspective of the outside world. They are ignoring the correct perspective of the person going through the event. Memory contains unlimited space. It also contains unlimited time. That means that the single last moment at the end of life will expand to become all time. To the outside world, afterlife is merely one moment in duration. But that one moment contains all time due to memory. That is how afterlife physically works. Afterlife uses memory to make the single moment at the end of life transition to become all time. In like manner, the single location in space becomes all space. This is how afterlife breaks through the barrier of the physical being. The mind is memory hidden during life. The mind is memory realized at the end of life. The physical body is not needed or required.
3. The Mind Before the End of Life
Death is a dimensional change of the mind in both time and space. The transition is from being a point of view within time and space to all of time and space. The transition takes place in an instant. Here is a diagram of awareness lduring life. From this perspective, we are looking from the inside (awarness) out (memory).
4. The Mind After the End of Life
In the previous example, we showed awareness as a tiny red dot in the middle of the system. In this illustration, we show awareness as having expanded outward throughout memory. Near death experience is the closest look we get at afterlife during life. Millions of people claim to have had a near death experience. The accounts they come back with provide real physical evidence as to what happens at the end of life. The evidence they come back with is similar. Here we show common statements made by people who have experienced Near death experience. These statements bear witness to the mind transitioning to space and time.
IV. Near Death Characteristics Explained From The Perspecitve Of Theory Of Aftelife
1. Review Of The Basic Tenets Of Theory Of Afterlife
1. The mind changes dimension at death. It transitions from a point in space/time to all of space time and everything it contains.
2. Memory is surrounding space.
3. Memory contains all moments throughout life, from conception to death. It is intact, available, and directly accessible on the last moment of life.
4. Awareness expands it death. It transitions from a position in time and space to all of time and space.
2. Being Outside the Body: A Sensation Of Leaving The Body
Out of body experience is the manifestation of the mind as space. OBE does not last long. You cannot sit outside your body for hours. It is fleeting. What happens is the mind expands to space in the moment. Then the moment passes into memory. Consequently the mind is back to position. Theory of afterlife explain explicitly that the mind is space. This is explained in detail in Proof Two - Proof of Afterlife By Birth. This proof applies the geometry of birth again at death. The result is all time and space.
People who experience OBE literally see their body from the outside. This is explained in detail, with pictures, in Afterlife Evidence - Out of Body Experience, Section VI. OBE Illustrated Using Three Dimensional Software. He we show the patient's perspective before and after OBE. Those going through OBE will experience their mind backing up as their mind becomes space. Just as quickly as it strikes, it's gone. OBE is hard to remember because when the mind is space, memory is forgotten by definition.
The mind as space is addressed again in Proof of After Three - Proof by Geometry. This too is an illustrated section. It shows a pyrimid. The apex of the pyramid, a single point, is conscious awareness. The environment surrounding the pyramid is memory. In terms of geometry, conscious awareness is a point and memory is surrounding space. Those who experience OBE witness their mind expanding to become the environment. With the mind as space, conscious awareness is free to move about in that space. It can and does get displaced in the environment outside the body.
Out of body experience is exactly what I would expect to see when someone is near death. OBE bears testimony to the mind as space. OBE is not subtle. It is striking. I believe the mind transitioning to space is a protection mechanism. It is the mind's last ditch effort to remain alive when it is overwhelmed by the environment. The mind can transition to space, resolve the crisis, and return to normal geometry to tell the tale. The fact the 80 percent of those that witness NDE report OBE is not a surprise. On the contrary, OBE is what we expect to see when the mind becomes space.
3. Memory: A Life Review, Return Of Memories From The Past, Encounters With Deceased Loved Ones
Proof of Afterlife states that memory is unlimited length, width, depth and time. Many that experience near death report a Life Review Experience or LRE. The conventional view of memory is that it contains time and space. But this isn't exactly true. Memory is time and space. Memory being time and space is what allows the mind to undergo a birth-like transition to time and space. I found this article that deals with the subject of LRE. We, as humans having travelled through time during life, have no frame of refernence for becoming all time at the end of it. That is what makes these quotes so interesting. It gives us some insight as to what was witnessed. It gives us some sense of what it may feel like when the mind changes dimension at the end of life.
It's True! Your Life Really Can Flash Before Your Eyes: Scientists Identify Parts Of The Brain Affected
Researches from Hadassah University in Jerusalem analyzed seven accounts of LREs they had obtained from in-depth interviews with people who had experienced them.
Their responses were used to devise a questionnaire which was sent out to 264 other people who gave detailed responses of their experiences.
The respondents said that unlike Hollywood depictions of the phenomena there was rarely any order to their life memories and that they seemed to come at random.
One person was typical and he wrote: 'There is not a linear progression, there is lack of time limits...
'It was like being there for centuries. I was not in time/space so this question also feels impossible to answer.
'A moment, and a thousand years... both and neither. It all happened at once, or some experiences within my near-death experience were going on at the same time as others, though my human mind separates them into different events'.
By Daniel Bates For The Daily Mail, Published: 20:26 EST, 29 January 2017 | Updated: 20:29 EST, 29 January 2017 It-s-true-life-really-flash-eyes.html [15]
There are certain things I know because that is how it needs to be. 1) I know all experiences are available in memory on the last moment of life. 2) I know all this knowledge is directly accessible. 3) I know conscious awareness will expand to the fullest extent thereby absorbing all knowledge. 4) I know afterlife is one moment in duration. 5) I also know that one moment contains all time. I know these things because the theory proves it to be true. What I don't know is what it will feel like to experience the mind expanding to timespace. A statement like "A moment, and a thousand years... both and neither" gives us insight into what Memory as Dimension will feel like. I believe this. This makes sense to me.
4. Awareness: Thinking More Clearly And More Rapidly Than Usual, A Sense Of Having Access To Knowledge Not Available By Normal Means
One of the most difficult concepts in Theory of Afterlife is awareness. Yes, we are surrounded by a time space of memory at the end of life. But what happens to awareness? I addressed the issue of awareness in Proof One, Proof Of Afterlife By Awareness. It seems like were going to enter this huge kingdom at the end of life and just kind of wander about in it. That is not what happens. What does happen is awareness expands. You can think of awareness as something that will expand to the fullest extent of its container. During life, that container is a position in time and space. After life that container is all time and space. So what you have is awareness expanding in four dimensions to the limit of its container, which is all time and space.
When it comes to Near Death Experience, we hear reports of heightened awareness, a brilliant light, and access to knowledge. This is awareness expanding throughout time and space. The dimensional change that takes place at the end of life is memory and awareness.
In Proof of Afterlife by Awareness we explain that while at a party there are several conversations taking place in the room. Of all the conversations you will listen to and follow one, and the other others are relegated to background noise. In afterlife its different. In afterlife you will hear, follow, and understand all the conversations in the room. This is true even if you paid no attention to them during life. In afterlife the conscious mind expands. Hence it understands more. Awareness of an aspect within the environment has expanded to become awareness of the entire environment. In afterlife, you are simultaneously able to be aware of every detail of the environment. In NDE, people are catching a glimspe of conscious awareness expanding in time space. This expansion of awareness is being described as heightened awareness, a brilliant light, and a sense of having access to unlimited knowledge.
5. Emotion: Overwhelming Peace, Unconditional Love, Well-being, Feeling Comfortable And Free Of Pain
Out of body experience (OBE) is an event that you can go through and live to tell about it. OBE is the mind transitioning from point to space, in three dimensions. The sensation is one of your mind backing up, away from its central position within the environment. You can witness this because it happens and then moves into memory. Life goes on. Near Death Experience (NDE) is different. OBE is the mind transition in three dimensions. The mind stays in the present. NDE is the mind transition in four dimensions. For that reason, there is no going through a four dimensional transition. The mind expanding in four dimensions is something we will see only once.
I am reticent to say a lot about the emotional characteristics of afterlife. I like to stick to the facts. Proof of Afterlife using geometry is factual. Describing what afterlife will feel like emotionally is conjecture. That is why I don't delve too far into it. No one can really say what afterlife will feel like because they haven't actually seen it.
What we do have, are accounts from people who have been right at the edge of afterlife. These accounts are extremely rare because they represent what people are feeling immediately before the transition takes place. What I can say, based on what people say while on the threshold of afterlife, is that it is pleasant. This first quote is from my childhood friend Keith Abentrod. Keith was an enlightened individual that understood afterlife as well as I do. We were kindred spirits in that regard. This is what Keith said as he witnessed afterlife.
Tribute To Keith Michael Abentrod
Keith Michael Abentrod of Franklin, Michigan, passed away peacefully at home on the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2022. He was proud to have been born in Detroit in 1952. Keith created and opened Speedy Tees, in Birmingham in 1984. He was an accomplished musician, an artist, and made a number of documentaries of his Detroit.
His final words were "I am having fun."
By beesinthed.com [16]
The second quote is from Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computer. Steve was an enlightened individaul too. Both these quotes reveal that the end of their time on earth wasn't the end. You can sense in both quotes that something great and fun was unfolding in front of them. In Steve's last words you can sense the wonderment of what he was seeing.
What Were Steve Jobs' Last Words?
Apple founder and business icon Steve Jobs passed away in 2011 from pancreatic cancer. Since then, there has been much speculation about his last words before dying. Despite some viral posts found online, Steve Jobs' last words were about his family, not his accumulated wealth and fame.
According to his sister, Jobs' last words were: "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow."
By Sandra Robinson, 2020/12/17 For celebanswers.com [17]
I may be reticent about the emotional content of afterlife, however, I don't want to error on the site of being too cautious either. One of my fears is that I am giving people the impression they are heading into a big, empty box. If I'm not careful, I'll leave people with the impression they will be wandering about inside a big space alone. Nothing could be further from the truth. The facts state you lose nothing at death. Everything you have seen, experienced, and thought you take with you. This means your loved ones, friends, family will all be there. These are not static images either. Their souls will be with you and yours with them. Afterlife is good.
Mathematically, conscious awareness and memory are inverses. This has implications for afterlife. This means that the sick will become healthy. The lonely will be reunited with friends. The poor will become rich. The ignored will become stars. The grand plan takes care of us beyond your wildest imagination.
5. Conclusion - NDE Predicted By Theory of Afterlife
Theory of Afterlife states that the mind becomes all space and time and everything it contains at the end of life. The consistency of NDE accounts (out of body experience, overwhelming love, tunnel, light, life review, unlimited knowledge, and meeting other beings) among those who have witnessed it is far too prevalent to ignore. There is no plausible scientific explanation of NDE. The theory of Memory as Dimension explains it fully and perfectly. NDE bears witness of the mind becoming time space at the end of life.
Proceed To Proof Of Afterlife Evidence - Hyperthymesia
[1] Merriam-Webster.com - Dictionary www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/near-death%20experience
[2] By Wikipedia - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out-of-body_experience
[3] By Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_review
[4] By Britannica - www.britannica.com/science/space-physics-and-metaphysics
[5] Found On Amazon - www.amazon.com/After-Doctor-Explores-Near-Death-Experiences/dp/1250263034
[6] Dr. Bruce Greyson - Wikipedia - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Greyson
[7] Jeffrey Long, MD for www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
[8] https://www.brucegreyson.com Near-Death Experience Resources - www.brucegreyson.com
[9] nypost.com - ypost.com/article/five-percent-have-had-near-death-experiences-research February 20, 2021
[10] Chase Clute, Published Mar 04, 2017 - For therichest.com
[11] 5% Have Had A Near-death Experience by Reed Tucker nypost.com - nypost.com/article/five-percent-have-had-near-death-experiences-research February 20, 2021
[12] By Kevin Williams - Posted on September 27, 2019 - Virginia Rivers' Near-Death Experience - near-death.com/virginia-rivers
[13] By Jiri Kroc - Power of Positivity - www.powerofpositivity.com/near-death-experiences-people-share, Published on July 23, 2020
[14] What's Heaven Like in Near-Death Experiences? - www.joincake.com/blog/what-is-heaven-like-near-death-experiences
By Dr. Alejandra Vasquez, JD, CT - Certified Grief Counselor
[15] Daily Mail - www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4170360/It-s-true-life-really-flash-eyes.html
[16] By beesinthed.com - beesinthed.com/keith-abentrod
[17] By Sandra Robinson, 2020/12/17 For celebanswers.com - celebanswers.com/what-were-steve-jobs-last-words/