Theorem: If the memory of the present moment contains the surrounding dimension, and each moment gets archived in memory continuously, then afterlife encompasses the entirety of time and space.

Variables/Terms: Environment, Memory, File-Away, Three-Dimensional Modeling, Retina, Visual Cortex, Space, Present, and Time.

Environment - The space surrounding a person, animal, or plant where it lives and operates. Data from Oxford Languages. The area or space occupied by or intended for something. The natural world, as a whole. The earthly state of human existence. The environment is the boundless space surrounding a person.

Memory - The power or process of retaining, reproducing, or recalling what has been experienced. The ability to store information and retain it from an organism's activity or experience. An image, recollection, or impression of one that is remembered from the past. A device (such as a chip) or a component of an electronic device (such as a computer) in which information can be inserted and stored and from which it may be extracted when wanted. The capacity for storing information. The part of a computer in which data or program instructions can be stored and later retrieved.

File-Away - To store information in a file. To get rid of information by placing it in a file or other storage. To remember a feeling, fact or idea until a later time. For example, file a letter away for future reference.

Three-Dimensional Modeling - In 3D computer graphics, 3D modeling is the process of developing a mathematical coordinate-based representation of any surface of an object (inanimate or living) in three dimensions via specialized software by manipulating edges, vertices, and polygons in a simulated 3D space. Three-dimensional (3D) models represent a physical body using a collection of points in 3D space, connected by various geometric entities such as triangles, lines, curved surfaces, etc. Being a collection of data (points and other information), 3D models can be created manually, algorithmically (procedural modeling), or by scanning. Their surfaces may be further defined with texture mapping. By [3]

Retina - The retina (from Latin: rete "net") is the innermost, light-sensitive layer of tissue of the eye of most vertebrates and some mollusks. The optics of the eye create a focused two-dimensional image of the visual world on the retina, which then processes that image within the retina and sends nerve impulses along the optic nerve to the visual cortex to create visual perception. The retina serves a function that is in many ways analogous to that of the film or image sensor in a camera. By [4]

Visual Cortex - The visual cortex is the primary cortical region of the brain that receives, integrates, and processes visual information relayed from the retinas. Visual information from the retinas that are traveling to the visual cortex first passes through the thalamus, where it synapses in a nucleus called the lateral geniculate. This information then leaves the lateral geniculate and travels to V1, the first area of the visual cortex. V1 is also known as the primary visual cortex. The primary purpose of the visual cortex is to receive, segment, and integrate visual information. The processed information from the visual cortex is subsequently sent to other regions of the brain to be analyzed and utilized. This process is highly specialized and allows the brain to recognize objects and patterns quickly without a significant conscious effort. From National Library Of Medicine - Neuroanatomy, Visual Cortex by Trevor Huff; Navid Mahabadi; Prasanna Tadi. [5]

Space - The dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move. A continuous area or expanse. Space is a boundless, three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction. The limitless three-dimensional extent to which all things exist and move. By [6]

Present - At this time: now. By [7]

Time - time, a measured or measurable period. There are four dimensions: length, width, depth, and time. Time is the fourth dimension. Time is duration. Time, combined with Space becomes a time-space continuum.

I. Analog or Digital? Understanding the Nature of the Human Mind

1. Understanding the Distinction: Analog versus Digital Recordings

Analog recording, like the timeless vinyl record, captures the essence of sound by imprinting it onto a physical medium. Through the dance of a stylus, pressing into a soft surface, sound impulses become etched as a continuous groove spiraling towards the center. When played back, the stylus retraces its path along the groove, stirring vibrations that resurface the recording. It is a process rooted in the tactile, an interaction that breathes life into the medium itself, evoking a sensory experience.

Old School Analog Recording

In contrast, digital recording translates the audible to electrical impulses. Sound is converted into digital code, and saved in computer memory. The recorded becomes a sequence of numbers, devoid of physical form with the promise of preservation and easy replication. When this digital symphony is replayed, the numbers are summoned forth, converted back into electrical pulses, and amplified to awaken the melodies they encapsulate.

The question, then, arises: Is the human mind analog or digital? Advocates of the analog liken its superior sound quality, suggesting a parallel between the rich tonality of vinyl records and the intricacies of our perception. The analog enthusiasts propose that, like the grooves on the vinyl, our minds possess hidden depths.

On the opposing side, proponents of the digital realm, contend that the quality of a digital recording hinges solely on its resolution. They assert that enhancing this resolution can reach a level of sonic fidelity indistinguishable from the analog domain. In this view, the mind itself, with its capacity for processing information, could be seen as a masterful conductor, flawlessly orchestrating the symphony of thoughts and emotions in digital precision.

As the debate continues, one thing remains certain - the allure of both analog and digital is undeniable, each boasting its unique allure and devoted following. Just as music enthusiasts cherish the warmth of vinyl, reveling in the nostalgic embrace of its soulful notes, modern aficionados find solace in the crisp, easily accessible melodies emanating from digital memory.

Indeed, when one sets the stylus upon the grooves of a vinyl record, the passage of time leaves its indelible mark. With each gentle caress of the needle, the groove's fidelity wanes, bestowing upon the melody an unwitting patina of age, undeniably a transformation from the original vigor of sound. Yet, in the realm of digital recordings, such wear is an ephemeral notion, scarcely acknowledged. For as the sound is summoned from its numerical abode in memory, it remains steadfast and unchanged, preserved in pristine condition.

Consider this marvel: a digital recording, be it one year or a century old, bears no marks of wear, and its sound quality remains resolute and untarnished as the day it was born. The symphonies that reverberate through digital realms transcend time, poised to be savored with the same verve and splendor by the listeners of generations yet unborn. Such is the enchanting allure of memory - a digital recording's defining characteristic.

Now, we seek to unravel the enigma that shrouds the human consciousness. To ascertain whether the human mind dances to the rhythm of analog or the precision of digital, we embark upon a journey into the eye's retina. Within its depths, a mesmerizing arrangement of cells awaits our scrutiny, ready to divulge secrets of our perception. As we gaze upon the retina, we find a tapestry of light-sensitive photoreceptor cells - the rods and cones - that weave together to interpret our visual world. Their response to light is nothing short of wondrous, translating this ethereal input into electrical impulses, igniting the neurons that form the foundation of our vision.

2. Analyzing the Eye's Retina: A Detailed Exploration

The retina of the human eye looks strikingly similar to the digital camera above. Let us take a closer look at a section inside the retina of the eye:

The receptive field shown above on the right, is where light hits the inside of our eye. Embedded in the receptive field are rod and cone cells. Rod cells (shown in yellow) detect monochromatic vision (black and white). Cone cells detect color. These nerves send impulses to the bipolar cells. There is some logic processing at the bipolar level. Then the output is sent to the ganglion cells where information is processed further. Then the data is sent out to the optic nerve to the brain as shown here.

In the retina light and color get converted into electrical impulses that are transmitted via nerves to the brain. This has the earmarks of a digital recording. What you see is light and color being converted into electrical impulses that are transmitted via wires to the brain.

3. Visualizing Our Field of Vision: A Diagram

The underlying structure of the eye shows that humans use digital recording techniques. The human mind appears to be digital. While the world may feel analog, the evidence shows differently. When you look closely at the retina of the eye it is apparent that human sight is digital. The illustration below shows a section of the retina, at the cell level, converting the environment into electrical data impulses:

Imagine looking at your backyard pool. Your environment, upon close inspection, is made up of tiny dots or pixels as shown by the inset. Each square of color (in the inset) is one pixel. The color of that pixel is being picked up by cone and rod cells, processed digitally, and sent out the optical nerve to the brain. In the brain, this information is assembled into your environment inside the visual cortex.

4. Is Vision Digital? Exploring the Nature of Perception

This illustration shows how the human eye and brain work together to produce vision. Light comes into the eye through the cornea, then through the lens, and finally onto the retina. In the retina, light is converted to electrical impulses using nerves. The impulses from nerves are sent through the optic nerve into the lateral geniculate nucleus in the brain. From there they are sent to the visual cortex. It is in the visual cortex that the outside world is encountered.

Note: We are using the example of perceiving the environment visually for clarity purposes. This does not imply that non-sighted people record any less information than sighted people. Nor does it mean that non-sighted people experience any less of the environment than sighted people. Non-sighted people experience the same richness of life as sighted people. They merely experience life differently. Their environment is complete in every way.

II. Locating the Human Mind: Exploring Its Position

1. Consensus on the Location of the Mind

We are using a three-dimensional model to define the location of the mind. If you ask most people where the mind is, they would respond with this. Most people would agree that the mind is located inside the head. The common conception of where the mind is located is here.

The mind within the environment

Now we've taken a step back and are looking at the scene from another perspective. This is the same man, in the same scene, only viewed from much further away. Notice the relationship between the mind and the environment. In terms of size, the mind is much, much smaller than the environment.

The mind within the environment -4

2. How the Mind Constructs the Surrounding Environment

This is a diagram of the steps required for the brain to perceive the outside world. Light comes in from the environment (1). It passes through the lens and strikes the retina at the back of the eye (2) where it is converted into electrical impulses. The electrical impulses are sent via the optic nerve to the brain (3). They are received by the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) (4). The electrical impulses are pre-processed and then sent by the Visual Cortex (5). Visual World Constructed

Here is a quote from explaining the phenominom is medical terms:

How Is Reality Constructed In The Brain

Light enters the eye and is detected by photoreceptors in the retina. Photoreceptors in the retina transform the light refracted off an object into electrical impulses. These are then transmitted to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in the hypothalamus, via the optic nerve. The LGN then sends signals to the primary visual cortex in the occipital lobe.

From the primary visual cortex information about the object, such as what it is, its location, and its color is transmitted to the higher visual cortices of the brain. The identification and recognition of the object occur via the 'what pathway'. Signals go from the primary visual cortex and end up in the temporal lobe. The object's location in space is perceived via the 'where pathway'. Signals from the primary visual cortex end up in the parietal lobe.

How is Reality Constructed in the Brain? - By Joelle Hanson-Baiden, BSc

3. Where the Surrounding Environment is Experienced

Here is another view of how reality is assembled in the brain. On the far left are the rod and cone cells of the retina. They convert light to electrical impulses. These are sent over the optic nerve to the LGN. Then they are sent onto the visual cortex. Notice the outside world is perceived in the visual cortex. Everything to the left is outside the mind. Everything to the right is inside the mind.

Outside World Manifested

It is in the visual cortex where the outside world is manifested. Here is a quote that explains visual processing in medical terms.

Visual Cortex

The visual cortex is located in the occipital lobe of the brain and is primarily responsible for interpreting and processing visual information received from the eyes. The amount of visual information received and processed by the visual cortex is truly massive. Nearly half of the brain is in some way dedicated to vision - either direct communication pathways from the retina of the eyes to the occipital lobe or to indirect visual processing and visual skills.

Visual cortex by

4. The Mind and its Environment: The Traditional Perspective

Here is an image of the human mind. The human mind is represented by the tiny red dot, in the head of one of the people in the group. The environment is represented by the large cube surrounding the scene. Imagine the group is standing in a large auditorium. In this view, the mind is a small dot surrounded by a large environment.

mind as space before.png

This view is normally what most people envision in terms of the mind versus the environment. We envision the mind as the grey matter inside our head (shown as a red dot). We envision the environment as our surrounding space (shown as the surrounding cube). This is what most people believe is the relationship between the mind and the environment. They see the mind surrounded by a large outside world.

However, we will recall from Section Three above, that the environment is assembled and perceived inside the visual cortex. Put another way, reality is not realized until it is assembled inside the visual cortex. That means the surrounding environment is actually inside the mind. We will show what that looks like next.

5. The Mind and its Environment: The Afterlife Perspective

Here is the afterlife enlightened view of the mind versus reality. Reality is realized inside the mind. You can see from this illustration that the mind extends out into the surrounding space as shown.

mind as space after.png

The concept is that the external environment is created inside the mind - the visual cortex. The visual cortex is not just a movie screen where the images of the eyes are projected in a flat two-dimensional view. The visual cortex is fully three-dimensional and far more complex than previously thought. We are going to take a close look at the visual cortex and its role in creating the three-dimensional space we live within next.

III. Analyzing the Visual Cortex: A Detailed Exploration

1. Understanding the Inner Workings of the Visual Cortex

The electrical impulses coming into the mind through the eyes, ears, and other senses are not of sufficient resolution to create the vast detailed world around us. If our exterior world was just a stream of impulses coming from the rods and cones of the retina it would be grainy, blurry, and flat. To create the fully integrated, three-dimensional world that surrounds us the mind takes the data from the outside and recreates it into a three-dimensional model of the world. The world as we experience is built within the Visual Cortex. This is where outside reality is realized.

The process the mind uses to create our world is called modeling. Modeling is the building of a three-dimensional model of the environment. This is the only way our world can be created using the limited information it has to work with. Modeling is done using three-dimensional modeling software like Blender. When you first open the software, you have an empty three-dimensional world. Modeling is the process of adding objects into this world, eventually creating a fully detailed three-dimensional environment filled with objects, textures, and colors. The Visual Cortex does this on the fly, meaning it creates the three-dimensional model of reality as fast as it is presented.

2. Exploring Three-Dimensional Modeling Within the Visual Cortex

This is a detailed look at the processing taking place within the Visual Cortex and its associated structures. The Visual Cortex is not just a pass-through of visual data. There is heavy processing that takes place. It builds our three-dimensional world, filling in the blanks in data to create a complete, unbroken, and resolution-independent surrounding environment.

inside the visual cortex

Here is the processes taking place:
1) Raw electrical impulse data comes into the visual cortex through the senses.
2) Once inside the visual cortex, a three-dimensional modeling process takes place. This is similar to the computer modeling process that takes place when a graphic artist creates an environment for a video game. The Visual Cortex creates a geometric model of our surrounding environment as it unfolds before us.
3) The three-dimensional model is moved into memory as a file in a computer. This model is resolution-independent, meaning it will remain sharp and clear no matter how close we look at it. It is always complete and detailed in every way.
4) The three-dimensional model of the world created in the Visual Cortex is presented to the mind as reality. It is here, in step 4, where we experience reality. This is not a copy of reality. This is our reality.

3. Gaining Insight into How We Experience Reality

Below is a more complete view of visual processing. Notice how we have introduced a virtual reality headset into the diagram. A virtual reality headset is a fully three-dimensional projector. It is used to project three-dimensional models into three-dimensional surrounding space. A carefully crafted three-dimensional model, viewed through a virtual reality headset, is indistinguishable from "real" reality.

vr headset detail

Here is a true picture of how the mind uses the visual cortex to experience three-dimensional surrounding space:

1) Light comes in through the lens of the eye.
2) Light strikes the retina where it is converted into electrical impulses.
3) Electrical impulses are sent through the optic nerve to the mind.
4) They arrive in the LGN where they are preprocessed and sent to the Visual Cortex.
5) Inside the Visual Cortex the incoming electrical impulses are used to build a fully three-dimensional model of the outside world using a process called modeling.
6) The geometric three-dimensional model is sent to the virtual reality headset where it is projected as your three-dimensional enviroment.

We experience reality in the visual cortex, not in the outside world.

4. Is Medical Science Beginning to Trust Us?

It may be difficult to believe that the mind completely reconstructs reality into a three-dimensional model, instead of just passing optical data directly to the brain like a video. I found this article. It shows that medical science is arriving to realize that reality is being reconstructed in the mind, not just projected flat as previously thought.

Imagination and Reality Look Different in the Brain

The occipital lobe sits in the lower, back part of the brain. Containing the visual cortex, this lobe's primary function is to process visual information. The parietal lobe lies above the occipital lobe, and its primary function is to integrate sensory information, such as vision, but also touch and sound. In doing so, the parietal lobe assembles elementary building bricks from so-called "lower-order" brain regions to create concepts, said Daniela Dentico, a researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and lead author on the report.

A leading theory in image processing "posits that our visual mental images are not stored somewhere in the brain, but get actively reconstructed," Dentico told Live Science. The brain does this, she said, by reversing the order it uses for visual perception. She described this as the "top-down" direction, which starts from the big concept and moves back toward the smaller elements.

Imagination and Reality Look Different in the Brain at
By Christopher Wanjek, published December 23, 2014
Quote by Daniela Dentico. Heliyon Neuroscience, ELSEVIER LIMITED MD PhD

The statement that "mental images are not stored somewhere in the brain, but get actively reconstructed" speaks volumes. To me, this is vindication that the brain is not two-dimensional. It is three-dimensional. Put another way, it means the mind is space. The mind is not a representation of space, it is space. The three-dimensional model created by the Visual Cortex is the environment we dwell within.

5. Where Is the Evidence for the Mind as Space?

If the mind is space as you suggest, then where is the proof? Fortunately, there is proof of the mind as space and it is not hard to find. We can find proof of the mind as space in a phenomenon called Out-of-Body Experience or OBE. OBE is where you suddenly find yourself outside your body. Medical science is baffled by this. They don't believe your conscious awareness can be outside the body. However, about 10 percent of the population has experienced looking at their body from outside their body. Millions of reports of this are strikingly similar. Medical science may be baffled but Proof of Afterlife is not. People find their consciousness outside the body because the mind is space. When you find yourself outside your body, you'll know it is true. Finding yourself outside your body is proof that the mind is three-dimensional space. This can happen because while you may be outside your body, you are still inside your mind. What can be more evidential than that? The section entitled "Afterlife Evidence Case - Out Of Body Experience (OBE)" provides an illustrated explanation of how OBE provides evidence of the mind as space.

IV. Understanding How Memory Encapsulates Reality

1. Storing the Current Environment into Memory

Imagine standing in this backyard looking at this garden as shown below. This is your surrounding environment. Shown here is what you see. The sun is shining. It is a nice day. You are enjoying the view. You can hear the birds chirping and kids playing.

The clock strikes 12:00 noon exactly.

The pixels in our eyes act like the camera CCD and capture the scene. The camera uses a capture program to take the matrix from the CCD into memory. Our eyes take in the pixel matrix of the environment and pass it to the visual cortex of our brain. In the visual cortex reality is assembled. This is the point in time where we experience the present moment. From there the present moment gets absorbed into memory.

A digital camera takes a picture when you press the button. It is a one-time event. Human memory is capturing reality continuously like a digital video camera. It is taking pictures of reality continuously like a movie. In the section above we looked at one specific moment - at the pool at noon. The environment was captured and loaded into memory. However, that was just one moment. Now we want to look at the next moment because we have a brand new environment.

2. Archiving Past Realities Over Time

As we move through time, from environment to environment, moments get captured in the visual cortex, assembled into three-dimensional models where they are absorbed into memory. As reality unfolds before us, we create three-dimensional reality and store it in memory as shown here:

The frame on the left represents our present three-dimensional reality. This is our current reality. It is physically located in the visual cortex. The horizontal line moving back (with arrows) to the right represents past realities that have been filed into memory. Awareness exists at the center of the leftmost current environment. Awareness stays in the present. Realities move progressively back and to the right as they get filed away in memory. Think of these past realities as frames as being filed into memory. The frames of the past move to the right. As time moves, memory absorbs new environments. The dimmed slices represent former present moments that have been filed away into memory.

3. Exploring How Memory Absorbs Unfolding Reality

As realities stack into memory, awareness remains in the present moment. Awareness stays in the present. This is our point of view throughout life. This illustration shows past realities stacking into memory like frames of a video. Each frame represents a full three-dimensional environment.

The present moves into memory

Reality (the environment around us now) is the present. It is where we are. It is vivid. The further we get away from reality the more memory appears to fade. This illustration above shows reality at 100 percent opacity, frame 2 at 50 percent opacity, and frame 3 at 40 percent opacity. This is intended to signify how memories fade as we get further away from them in time. In reality, moments of the past and the moment of the present are identical in quality. It is only our position in time that makes past realities seem to be less vivid. Memories of past moments are a perfect bit-for-bit and fully detailed, just like the reality of the present. Its memory did not fade over time. When you accept this assumption everything comes into focus. In the digital world, the concept of copy does not apply. Copy is an analog concept. In the digital world, the original and copy are identical. The duplicate is precisely the same as the original in every way. A copy connotes diminishment in the analog world. In the digital world, it is a pristine original.

4. The Profound Nature of Absorbing Space into Memory

What could be larger than the space you are standing within? There is nothing larger than your surrounding space. It is unlimited in all directions.

Yet that unlimited three-dimensional space you are living within gets absorbed in total into memory. The entire space gets absorbed into memory as soon as you see it. If your surrounding space is unlimited in all directions, and it just got absorbed into memory, what does that say about memory? What does that say about the size of memory as compared to the outside world? The outside world, with all its enormity, fits inside memory.

5.The Present Moment: Leading Edge of Time-Space Continuum

Memory is physically large. In terms of the present moment, it is a three-dimensional space. In terms of time, it is a time-space continuum. The present moment, in all its physical size, is merely the leading edge of a vast time-space continuum. Visually memory looks like this:

memory as the leading edge of a time-space continuum

The present moment is the only moment we experience first-hand during life. The present moment goes into memory as a digital original and remains that way. Our awareness moves forward in time. That displacement in time makes it impossible to experience past moments first-hand. That perception of a moment becoming old is just that - a perception. That former moment is in memory; intact, exactly bit-for-bit as it was when we experienced it. All that is required for that moment to be experienced first-hand again is for us to move our position in time. Because everything is in memory it is possible, but not now during life. We have to wait until the end of life for that to happen.

V. Understanding the Relationship: Awareness and Memory

1. Absorbing the Present Environment into Memory

As we move through life awareness stays in the present. Our model of a human computer, consisting of memory space and awareness, is shown here:

Diagram 6: Memory Space and Processor Awareness

The processor is shown by the black dot at the center of the environment. The processor operates from a fixed location within memory space. The surrounding memory space is the processor's environment. The human mind is made up of awareness, as represented by the processor, and the environment, as represented by accessible memory.

2. Memory Encompasses All Realities: Past and Present

As each moment passes, it moves from being experienced in the present into the past. First, the moment is experienced as the present. Then it gets absorbed into memory as a moment of the past.

You can think of this as the present moment being filed away into memory intact. The human experience has depth in time. We will not experience it until the afterlife, but our entire history is in memory all the time.

The illustration below shows this happening. This shows how reality gets absorbed into memory. Reality is absorbed in its entirety. Every detail of the environment gets absorbed and filed into memory. We do not notice this happening. It happens automatically in the background. The environment around us is already in memory when we experience it. As you experience the outside world, it is absorbed into memory. The act of experiencing a moment and absorbing it into memory are the same thing as shown here:

how memory absorbs reality

Each reality is filed away in memory on each beat of the clock. There is no evidence that memories of past moments are thrown away by the mind. On the contrary, the overwhelming evidence is that memories of the past are retained by the mind. The fact that you cannot remember a moment of the past as you experienced it the first time does not invalidate this concept. It merely means that you are unable to remember it at this time. Elderly people can recall in great detail moments that occurred 50, 60, or even 70 years ago. Does this mean that the mind retains certain memories and discards others?

No, memory discards nothing. The mind retains all memories intact. Human memory is all-consuming. Like a computer, we retain information absorbed into memory. A computer does not discard information in memory. Likewise, human memory does not discard information either. Humans retain experiences. All of them. Nothing is discarded. Everything is in memory all the time.

Reality is being filed in memory as we move through time. As we move forward in time, the next reality is being filed as we go. This is not a recording of reality. It is reality. It is intact as we experienced it first-hand. Experiencing reality is filing it away in memory. We experience only the front edge of a time-space continuum that exists within everyone.

3. Expanding Awareness Throughout Memory in the Afterlife

As we approach the end of life we have everything in memory. We have every moment in memory exactly as it was when we experienced it the first time. It is space, not flat like a movie. This is the potential we carry with us as we move through life. This is the potential we have with us at our last moment of life.

At the last moment of life, awareness undergoes dimensional change. It goes from position in time to all of time. It goes from position in space to all of space. This transition happens in an instant. Awareness did this by expanding into the accumulated memories that we gathered throughout our lifetime. Memory contains everything you have ever experienced. It has absorbed the three-dimensional space of every moment as you experienced it. It has retained all moments. At the end of life, all memories are experienced simultaneously. At that precise moment we become aware of all our memories at once.

4. Unlocking the Nexus: Memory, Awareness, and the Afterlife

To understand the relationship between memory and awareness, we must engage the realm of geometry. Throughout our existence, our awareness has been localized at a position in time and space. It is from this vantage point that we have seen the world. Simultaneously and in the background, our memory has been absorbing our surrounding environment as it unfolds. Thus, life is both memory and awareness, not just awareness alone.

Through the lens of geometry, awareness assumes the form of spatial coordinates - a singular point amid the vast expanse. It is the location from which we survey the universe. In contrast, memory embraces the expanse of unlimited spatial dimensions. Memory absorbs and retains the totality of experiences that surround us throughout life. These two entities, memory and awareness, are perfect geometric inverses: one being a point versus the other being time and space.

In traversing the vast universe, we remain steadfast in the same state of being from our very inception. As life's journey nears its culmination, no alteration befalls. The continuum of time and space, which embodies our cherished memories, accompanies us into life's final embrace. At that pivotal moment, the focal point of our perception dissolves, and our awareness resounds throughout the expanse of memory, extending into the vastness of all time and space. In the last moment of life, we are met with the totality of every moment simultaneously, experiencing the entirety of time and space and all that it encompasses.

Seeking to unravel the emotional tapestry of this transcendence, I contemplate my dear friend, a companion of my youth, who has always been the heart and soul of every gathering. Naturally endowed with humor, he captivates everyone, his presence a source of joy and admiration. Alas, his health now falters, and the weight of suffering rests upon him.

If granted the chance to speak to him, I would impart words of solace and hope. I would assure him that upon opening his eyes, the afflictions that have plagued him shall vanish, and he will be restored to the vigor of our youthful days. Furthermore, he shall be welcomed with open arms, engulfed in merriment and love, surrounded by countless joyous celebrations. All his cherished companions shall be in attendance, united in bliss, free from strife and worry, immersed in the harmony of contentment.

With a tender reminder, I would encourage him, for the best lies ahead. The burden of suffering shall soon be lifted from him. His current situation is but a fleeting moment in the grand canvas of existence. A mere moment compared to eternity's expanse. The broader vista, the afterlife, holds promises of fulfillment beyond the bounds of imagination. There, every desire finds eternal satiation.

Thus, I would convey to him these heartfelt assurances, painting a vision of resplendent joy and serenity that awaits him beyond the threshold of this mortal coil.

-- This Concludes Proof Of Afterlife By Memory --