Evidence: Given that virtual reality software stores space-time within memory, it stands as testament that human memory could store space-time encompassing the entirety of one's existence.

Variables/Terms: Virtual Reality Software, 3D Computer Graphics, Space, Time, Point of View, Awareness, Memory

Virtual Reality Software - 3-D software is a type of computer graphics software that enables the design, development and production of 3-D graphics and animations. 3-D software allows users to visualize, design and control an object, environment or any graphical element within a three-dimensional scope. 3-D software includes computer-aided design (CAD) programs and animation packages. 3-D software mainly works on the mathematical concept of geometry, where each designed element is mapped into three different axes: X for breadth, Y for length and Z for depth. 3-D software works by providing users with a different set of functions to design and develop a 3-D image or animation. These include modeling the image or object, layout, animation and rendering service. By Techopedia [1]

3D computer graphics - 3D computer graphics, sometimes called CGI, 3D-CGI or three-dimensional computer graphics are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data (often Cartesian) that is stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering digital images, usually 2D images but sometimes 3D images. The resulting images may be stored for viewing later (possibly as an animation) or displayed in real time. By en.wikipedia.org [2]

Space - space, a boundless, three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction. By Britannica [3]

Time - time, a measured or measurable period. There are four dimensions: length, width, depth, and time. Time is the fourth dimension. Time is duration. Time, combined with Space becomes a timespace continuum.

Point Of View - The position from which the environment is being observed. Point of view, like a camera in three dimensional software, has an X, Y, and Z coordinate position in the environment. The world is rendered looking through the camera. Like a camera, people observe their world from a point of view.

Awareness - To be alert and awake; not sleeping or comatose. To be aware of one's surroundings, one's own thoughts and motivations, etc. Relating to a part of the human mind that is aware of a person's self, environment, and mental activity.

Memory - The power or process of retaining, reproducing or recalling what has been experienced. The ability to store information and retain it from an organism's activity or experience. An image, recollection, or impression of one that is remembered from the past. A device (such as a chip) or a component of an electronic device (such as a computer) in which information can be inserted and stored and from which it may be extracted when wanted. The capacity for storing information. The part of a computer in which data or program instructions can be stored and later retreived.

I. Introduction: How Virtual Reality Software Helps To Explain Afterlife

Virtual Reality software is fully three-dimensional. That is fine for rendering static scenes. To make it truly realistic however, it also contains time. Inside a virtual reality environment you have unlimited length, width, and depth. You also have depth in time as well. We will be using Blender software as our virtual reality software throughout this explaination. Blender is well known, widely used, and free. It also happens to be one of the best, and most complete three dimensional modeling and rendering software available at any price. Here is how Wikipedia defines Blender.

Blender_(software): Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software tool set used for creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3D-printed models, motion graphics, interactive 3D applications, virtual reality, and, formerly, video games. Blender's features include 3D modelling, UV mapping, texturing, digital drawing, raster graphics editing, rigging and skinning, fluid and smoke simulation, particle simulation, soft body simulation, sculpting, animation, match moving, rendering, motion graphics, video editing, and compositing.
By en.wikipedia.org [4]. Blender Software can be found and downloaded here.

Theory Of Afterlife was discovered 50 years ago. At that time there were no computers, let alone virtual reality software. Proof Of Afterlife was not discovered using virtual reality software, however the similarities are striking. There is one word of caution though. Afterlife will not be like virtual reality. Afterlife is an expansion of awareness from a single location within space to all space. Virtual Reality does not do that. Therefore, virtual reality is basically an environment containing a camera (point of view) within memory. Virtual reality does not duplicate, approach, or define afterlife in any way. However it is still a useful tool to explain the main concepts of how afterlife can work and why it does not require a physical body. We will explore these concepts next.

II. The Four Afterlife Elements Of Virtual Reality

1. Virtual Reality Demonstrates The Connection Between Memory And Physical Space

I purchased this model to demonstrate how three dimensional space can be loaded into memory. I selected this model because it feels like you could be standing there, in the front yard. This is a view of the house, garden, and pool from high above. Here is what the author has to say about the model:

This project is developed in Blender: This model contains a complete furnished house with garden. Everything is textured and the lighting is completely baked for fast renders. This model can be used for commercial purposes and works with real-time game engines. This is a classic style porch house with furnished interior for Blender and set in today's era. It is inspired by East coast USA classic house design together with an original twist. This is an original designed and modeled house and doesn't exist in the real world.
Purchased on sketchfab.com [5]. Developed By Denniswoo1993

It is ironic that the author refers to the real world to differentiate from the virtual world. The purpose of this section is to show how the real world could conceivably be the real world. A major assertion of proof of afterlife is the mind extends out, beyond the body, to the limit of the environment. The idea is to mentally conceive of the real world as a model like this within memory. This scene uses just 833 megabytes of memory. It is entirely possible that a three dimensional model like this could exists within the mind's memory. It is within memory where the environment is realized. Obviously the real world model would be better and more complete, but you can see by looking at this that such a model within memory could be possible.

Here is the same model only surrounded by the control panels of Blender software. Blender software contains all the tools needed to construct the model. In the human mind, reality is modeled on the fly as it presents itself. This model contains 1639 objects, 2.25 million edges, and 1.1 million faces. All this is contained in less than 1 gigabyte of memory. I do believe the mind uses geometry to convert space to memory, or some derrivation of it. These memory requirements are nothing the human mind couldn't handle.

2. Virtual Reality Demonstrates The Relationship Between Point Of View And Memory

In virtual reality software, conscious awareness is represented by the active camera within the scene. This is the point of view that we veiw the model from. In the image below, we have moved the camera down into the scene, looking at the front door. The camera coordinates are shown below.

Notice the geometric dimensions and settings of the active camera within the scene. The camera is located at a gemetric point. At this moment, the camera settings are in the "Location in space before" panel shown below left. The camera has location, specifically 16.382 in X, 34.934 Y, and .38539 in Z. The camera, like human awareness, is located at a single point within the model. It is called our point of view.

Now we walk through the front door, turn left inside the house, and move into the Livingroom. We turn our head and look out through the picture window as shown below. The camera has moved and now has new coordinates ash shown about right. Specifically, the camera is now located at 15.132 in X, 33.794 in Y, and 2.0664 in Z. Displacement from point to point within the model illustrations the point/space nature of human existence. Awareness is the point of view. Memory is the surrounding space. Point and space are inverses. In like manner, awareness and memory are too.

Now that we are in the house, we look at the clock on the wall. Oh, it's exactly 4:00 PM. We make a note of that. We also make a note of the book on the table. We are going to look at that next.

3. Virtual Realilty Establishes The Connection Between Memory And Time.

We take a step toward the book. Then we look down at it. Then we note the time.

That moment, the present, is shown below, top. We are located at time zero within the virtual reality model as shown by the blue marker on the time line below.

Then we take a few seconds to move in a take a closer look at the book. Our new point of view is show below. Time has moved a few seconds. That is shown by the blue marker on the time line above, bottom. The time marker was at zero. It is now at 3. We have moved in time.

This demonstrates how time works with respect to memory. It isn't like we have made a copy of the environment at time zero. We haven't moved it or modified it. Time zero environment exists in memory. It was the present. Now it's the past. However nothing has changed with the time zero moment. To access it or revisit it all we need to do is move the time marker back to zero. That is how virtual reality software works. The moments of the past still exist. They aren't copies of moments. They are the original moment, intact, unmoved and unaltered. That is how time works in life's memory. In software, we merely need to move the time marker to return to the environment of the past. The original is still there. Life memory is the same. All original moments exist in full detail. They are not copies of the original moments. They are the original moments. Storing an environment is a property of memory.

Now we are standing immediately over the book. This brings up another point of virtual reality. We started our view from 200 feet above the house. Then we descended to the front door, went into the Livingroom, and are now staring down on the book. The cover of the book shows good detail. The entire model is less than one gigabyte of memory. Yet there is detail of this quality level throughout the environment. This means virtual reality software uses memory storage techniques that make the environment resolution independent. If this model was merely bit mapped, at this close range you would expect to see a book cover that is blurry and pixelated. But it's not. The book cover shows good detail close up.

Our memory works the same way, or better. The environments we pass through during life are modeled in a manner that makes them resolution independent. This means our world will not pixelate no matter how close we get. What we end up with is an accumulation of environments of exquisite detail recorded on a time line throughout a lifetime. We can return to any moment simply by moving the time indicator. When we return there, we will not be experiencing a copy of that environment. We will be experiencing the original environment. It never moved. It was never altered. All memory is intact. Thought and emotions are there too.

4. The Virtual Reality Headset Explains How The Mind Is Space Time

Up until this point in history, virtual reality has been presented in two dimensions, usually onto a computer or movie screen. This is because the model is rendered out as a scene through the viewpoint of the camera. This two dimensional, flat presentation of the model understates what virtual reality can really do. Now with the advent of virtual reality headsets that all changes.

Smiling Businesswoman In Casual Wear Is Wearing Vr Helmet, Purchased on stock.adobe.com - By denisismagilov [6]

When you put on a headset, you get a glimpse of what virtual reality can do. With VR headset you become immersed in the model. Rather than seeing a framed rendering from camera view, you are actually in the model seeing the model from within. When standing in front of the house for example, your conscious awareness takes the place of the camera. Awareness becomes the camera. It is your awareness looking at the house. When your awareness moves within space, you see the model from a new position. When you experience virtual reality through a headset, you are getting very close to seeing how life really works in terms of the grand scheme.

Virtual reality headsets bring "the mind as space" full circle. When working with virtual reality software, you have a camera surrounded by the environment. Everything is resident in memory. In life, you have essentially the same thing. You have conscious awareness surrounded by space. All that is in memory too. Virtual reality experienced through a headset is a demonstration of the mind as space. It provides evidence of the conscious/memory model that exists in life. We can actally see how it works first hand.

III. Conclusion: Virtual Reality As Afterlife Evidence

Before we declare virtual reality as the definitive proof of afterlife two questions remain. One is, what happens if memory fails? The second is, isn't real life more detailed than virtaul reality? We'll address those questions now.

The answer to question one about memory failure is simply that memory does not fail. Memory failure in life makes no more sense that memory failure while creating a 3D model. The confusion comes a natural belief that what we can remember is equal to what is in our memory. What we can remember has nothing to do with what is in memory. As demonstrated by virtual reality, memory is time and space. In the example above the memory used is 833 megabytes. That contains everything. Life operates the same. Everything is in memory. There are no dropped bits, from inception to present. Time space in intact in life exactly like it is in virtual reality.

The answer to question two about resolution is simply yes, real life probably is more detailed than virtual reality. Virtual reality can be quite detailed. In many cases it is almost indistinguishable from real life. Virtual reality uses programming techniques that are resolution independent. For example, when you represent a line in memory as a mathematical equation, it will extend infinitely throughout space. It will also be razor sharp, no matter how close you look at it. The equaton of the line takies only an infinitesimal amount of memory, only a few bytes. Yet is manifests as a huge line stretching from horizon to horizon. Human reality obviously uses modeling techniques that are resolution independent. Admittedly real life is more detailed than virtual reality. However this does not invalidate the concept that memory holds time space. Real life is realized inside the mind. That realization is stored in memory as it manifests.

The third question between real life and virtual reality is, what happens to conscious awareness at the end of life? There are only three possibilities. One is it ends. Two is it lives on. Three is it changes dimension. One and three are true. Two is not. Conscious awareness is analigous to the active camera in a virtual reality model. At the end of life the camera is turned off. As a response, conscious awareness expands outward throughout time and space. The expansion of awareness in time space is explained in Proof Two, Proof of Afterlife By Birth. This expansion of awareness is a phenomenon that cannot be simulated in software. You can think of awareness as a point of light within time space. At the end of life that point of light expands out in all directions. The light extends to the fullest extent of time and space, filling everything with light. Envisioning the bright light of awareness imbuing everything throughout the time space kingdom of heaven you created during life gives you a pretty accurate idea of what ensues at the end of life.

Proceed To Proof Of Afterlife Evidence - Conclusion

[1] www.techopedia.com/definition/93/3-d-software - By Techopedia
[2] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_computer_graphics - By en.wikipedia.org
[3] www.britannica.com/science/space-physics-and-metaphysics - By Britannica
[4] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blender_(software) - By en.wikipedia.org . Blender Software can be found and downloaded here.
[5] Purchased on sketchfab.com. Developed By sketchfab.com/denniswoo1993 - Denniswoo1993
[6] Smiling Businesswoman In Casual Wear Is Wearing Vr Helmet, Purchased on stock.adobe.com - stock.adobe.com/contributor/204251986/denisismagilov - By denisismagilov