Evidence: When certain individuals can summon forth a multitude of personal moments with intricate detail over the course of their lifetime, it stands as testament that all things reside within the boundless expanse of memory.

Variables/Terms: Hyperthymesia, Memory, Remember

Memory - The power or process of retaining, reproducing or recalling what has been experienced. The ability to store information and retain it from an organism's activity or experience. An image, recollection, or impression of one that is remembered from the past. A device (such as a chip) or a component of an electronic device (such as a computer) in which information can be inserted and stored and from which it may be extracted when wanted. The capacity for storing information. The part of a computer in which data or program instructions can be stored and later retreived.

Hyperthymesia - Hyperthymestic Syndrome is a condition of super memory. Currently there are very few people in the world with this condition. Hyperthymestic comes from the Greek word hyper (meaning excessive) and thymesis (meaning remembering). People with Hyperthymestic Syndrome are described as having "off the charts" memory. They can describe what they were doing and world events for almost every day of their life. Unlike most people, whose memory fades over time, memories remain indelibly etched in the mind. When asked about it they just say that, "it's just there."  To people with this condition perfect remembering does not seem like anything extraordinary.

Remember - The ability to bring back a piece of information into your mind, or to keep a piece of information in your memory. To be able to bring to one's mind an awareness of someone or something that you have seen, known, or experienced in the past. To recall to the mind with effort. To have something arise from your memory. To become aware of something suddenly or spontaneously.

I. Prevalence And Characteristics Of Hyperthymesia

1. Definition of Hyperthymesia?

Hyperthymesia is the uncommon ability that allows a person to spontaneously recall with great accuracy and detail a vast number of personal events or experiences and their associated dates.

By merriam-webster.com https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hyperthymesia [1]

2. How Prevalent Is Hyperthymesia?

It appears there are 61 people have the condition out of 8 billion people on earth. This means that one person out of 1.31 billion people can remember events from most days of their lives. Admittedly this isn't a large sample size, but that's not the point. The point is that memory exists. It exists in the background, waiting to be drawn upon. It can be considered as a huge, untapped reservoir.

This rare condition also known as highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM) causes people to remember just about everything that has occurred in their life. This includes every conversation and emotion ever experienced as well as every person encountered, regardless of how insignificant or minute.

The cause of Hyperthymesia is still unknown but some researchers believe that it is genetic while others think it may be molecular.

There are only 61 people worldwide who have been identified as having hyperthymesia.

Rare But True:Hyperthymesia. For Jamaca Hospital (Posted on January 26, 2016 by Xavia Malcolm) [2]

3. The Connection Between Hyperthymesia And Proof Of Afterlife

Memory is the driving force of Afterlife. The theory states that memory is the mind of another dimension. In terms of geometry, memory is unlimited space time. During life, each moment is absorbed into memory is it unfolds. Memory absorbs that entire surrounding space as it happens. Hyperthymesia shows, that at least with some people their time space memory can be recalled with clarity and detail. The important thing is that ALL of us have this unlimited realm of time and space inside the mind. However very few people have the ability to recall from it during their lifetime. Hyperthymesic individuals exist. Their incrediable power of recall speaks to the vastness of time space within us all.

The Real Life "Perfect" Memory: Hyperthymesia

What is hyperthymesia?

Hyperthymesia, also known as Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM), is a neurological syndrome that is characterized by a person's ability to recall every event in their life in almost impeccable detail. It is extremely rare, as only 61 people in the world are known to have it.

Individuals who have this extraordinary memory are identified through two criteria: 1) they spend much of their time thinking about their past, and 2) they have the phenomenal ability to recall previous events. When asked about a specific date 10 years, these people with HSAM can tell you what day of the week it was, what they were wearing, what the weather was like, and any significant events that happened in the news with 97% accuracy.

Those with hyperthymesia are different from others who have advanced memories. People who win memory competitions, for example, have to put effort into remembering. They often utilize memory techniques such as mnemonics to successfully encode and recall information. Those with hyperthymesia, on the other hand, have a memory that works automatically and does not require conscious effort to form their highly-specific memories.

The Real Life "Perfect" Memory: Hyperthymesia affinitymagazine.us By Author Christine Shatrowsky [3]

II. The Difference Between Memory And Remembering

1. Normal Memory

To explain how Hyperthymestic Syndrome works and how it supports the theory of afterlife, look at this diagram.

This is a depiction of normal memory. The large box represents memory - the experiences of a person throughout a lifetime. The red dot (in the upper left corner) represents awareness. The left leading edge represents the present.

The orange lines and dots represent the average person's ability to remember. For example, the second orange dot (from the left) represents remembering an event that happened three days ago. Notice how the memory of events fades (isn't as clear) as you get further away from the present.

2. Hyperthymestic Memory

Compare a normal person's memory with the diagram of a person with Hyperthymestic Memory below. Notice how much more of memory awareness can access. They can access more events and access them clearer. Hyperthymestic Syndrome is an enhanced ability to look back into memory at moments of the past. The person with this condition can access memory easier and more completely than the rest of us.

Notice that in both cases (normal and Hyperthymestic Memory) the size of memory and the size of awareness is the same. The difference between the two is the enhanced ability to remember. The reason Hyperthymestic Syndrome serves as evidence of proof of afterlife is because it provides testimony to the vastness and completeness of memory. In other words, if memory were not complete in every detail, then the Hyperthymestic person would have nothing to remember. Hyperthymestic Memory provides evidence that the memory is there, that it exists, and it can be accessed at any time.

3. Remembering Varies, Memory Is Absolute

I do programming work for the Insurance Industry. If I need to retrieve the phone number of an insured from the database, I do the following. First, I look up the specific policy in the policy database table. Once I have the policy record, I look up the phone number field within that record. Then I read the phone number data from the phone number field into a variable. Then I print the variable on the screen. Retrieving data from a database illustrates the difference between memory and remembering. Remembering is the phone number data recalled from a field within a record in the policy table. Memory, on the other hand, is the entire database. People with Hyperthymesia have superior remembering skills. However, their database is the same size as everyone else. Everyone's database is unlimited in time and space.

Like the Hyperthymestic person, we too have perfect memory. The logical question becomes, why would we have perfect memory if we can't access it? The answer is that we will use it at the end of life. At the end of life we will realize this huge store of information we have gathered throughout a lifetime. The Hyperthymestic person can access it (remember from it) better than we can. However, they too can only access the tiniest fraction of what is there. It is just that their tiny fraction is several times larger than our tiny fraction.

III. Conclusion - We All Have Perfect, Unlimited Memory Containing All Time and Space

Hyperthymestic Syndrome provides an indication of the vastness and completeness of memory that is within us all. It suggests that memory is unlimited, absorbing everything that happens during life in full detail as it unfolds. Memory is actually a time space realm built during life. It is our ability to recall from that time space realm of memory that is extremely limited. Memory is not memory limited. On the contrary. It is all of time and space and everything it contains.

Proceed To Proof Of Afterlife Evidence Virtual Reality

[1] Hyperthymesia By merriam-webster.com https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hyperthymesia
[2] Rare But True: Hyperthymesia. For Jamaca Hospital Posted on January 26, 2016 by Xavia Malcolm
[3]The Real Life "Perfect" Memory: Hyperthymesia affinitymagazine.us By Author Christine Shatrowsky