Proof of afterlife heading: memory is another dimension

Proof of Afterlife Is Good for You

When you're done reading Proof of Afterlife, you will know for certain that afterlife exists. Knowing afterlife exists will have profound positive effects on personal well-being, mental health, and societal harmony. Here's a look at those benefits for individuals and communities:

1. Emotional Comfort and Coping with Loss

Proof of the afterlife provides emotional relief, particularly when facing the death of loved ones. Knowing that those we care about exist in afterlife offers solace during grief. This can reduce anxiety and depression associated with loss, giving people a sense of connection and continuity even after death. Knowing you will be reunited with loved ones allows individuals to cope better with bereavement.

2. Reduced Fear of Death

One of the most significant benefits of afterlife belief is the reduction of death anxiety. People often fear the unknown, and the idea that life does not simply end but exists in another dimension brings peace of mind. This psychological comfort can translate into improved mental health, helping people live fuller, less fearful lives. Studies suggest that those who understand afterlife exhibit less fear and anxiety toward their own mortality.

3. Encouragement of Moral Behavior

Knowledge of afterlife encourages ethical behavior, as individuals are motivated to act in ways that ensure a favorable eternal existence. Belief in afterlife instills moral discipline by reinforcing accountability beyond the earthly life. Such beliefs can strengthen personal integrity and social cohesion.

4. Sense of Purpose and Meaning

Believing in afterlife instills a sense of meaning and purpose. The thought that our actions have eternal consequences adds significance to everyday life. This perspective can help individuals endure hardships, such as illness or suffering, by framing them as part of a larger, divine plan or as steps toward spiritual growth. Existential meaning, fostered by a belief in the afterlife, results in increased life satisfaction and mental well-being.

5. Mental Resilience and Hope During Crisis

In times of crisis, such as illness, personal setbacks, or disasters, a belief in afterlife offers hope. Knowing that suffering in this world is temporary and will be followed by divine reward bolsters resilience. This psychological buoyancy encourages individuals to persevere through challenging circumstances. This is especially evident in hospice care, where patients who know about afterlife approach the end of life with a sense of peace and acceptance.

6. Fostering Social Unity and Empathy

Belief in the afterlife fosters a sense of interconnectedness, not only with other people but also with the cosmos. Those with afterlife beliefs exhibit higher levels of social cohesion, as members feel united in their spiritual journey. This unity can extend beyond the group, promoting empathy and altruism toward others. Helping others enhances one's spiritual standing in the afterlife.


Knowledge of an afterlife offers tangible benefits, promoting emotional well-being, moral behavior, resilience, and social harmony. Proof of afterlife alleviates the existential anxieties of human existence. For believers, the afterlife is not merely a distant hope but a source of strength that enriches their lives in the present. In a world full of uncertainties, the notion that death is not the end provides comfort, purpose, and hope. These are qualities that are essential for a fulfilling life and an even better afterlife.

Proof Of Afterlife By Awareness

Proof Of Afterlife By Awareness

Explore the relationship between awareness and surrounding space using analogies and diagrams. Learn that awareness is a central focal point in space, while its inverse is a space-time continuum.

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Proof Of Afterlife By Birth

Proof Of Afterlife By Birth

Life springs forth at conception, seemingly from nothing. Explore what happens when we take the dimensional change that occurred at birth and apply that change again at the end of life.

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Proof Of Afterlife By Geometry

Proof Of Afterlife By Geometry

Memory is the inverse of awareness. It is the hidden dimension we do not see. Using diagrams, we show how this relationship works visually. No mathematical understanding is necessary.

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Proof Of Afterlife By Memory

Proof Of Afterlife By Memory

Memory is your surrounding space. Memory as space is why out-of-body experiences exist. OBE is possible because while you may be outside your body, you are still inside your memory.

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Proof Of Afterlife By Information

Proof Of Afterlife By Information

Memory is memory, be it human or computer. Perfect data is central to understanding afterlife. Memory absorbs realities over a lifetime, creating an unseen realm that encompasses time and space.

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Evidence Of Afterlife Is Hard To Find

Here are the four evidence test cases that demonstrate Proof of Afterlife exists.

Out Of Body Experience (OBE)

Out-of-body experience is a phenomenon that happens when the mind is put under intense stress. During OBE people find themselves outside the physical body looking down on the scene. Medical science is puzzled by this, however Proof of Afterlife is not. Proof of Afterlife states that the mind becomes space. Hence your point of view if free to move out into the outside world because the outside world is memory. In other words, OBE can and does happen. It is entirely within the realm of reality. The section on OBE found here takes a deep dive into what OBE is, how it happens, and why it happens.

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Near Death Experience (NDE)

Approximately four percent of the population have had a Near near-death experience or NDE. People who survive NDE speak about the same type of experiences. They talk about seeing a bright light, undergoing a life review, encountering loved ones, and thinking with heightened clarity. NDE accounts are similar. So much so that medical science is forced to acknowledge that NDE may be real. Extensive studies have been done, cataloging common experiences. We need to listen because these are first-hand accounts of the mind about to change to become space. Your mind cannot become space and come back, but you can get close enough to get a sense of what is about to happen.

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Virtual Reality Software

As the computer field evolves, it is apparent that entire worlds can be created using virtual reality software. Virtual reality software exposes the connection between memory and three-dimensional space. Virtual reality bears witness to the ability of memory to create and store three-dimensional reality. As we move through life, our current reality is created in the visual cortex exactly like programmers of a three-dimensional game. Then the 3D moment is absorbed whole into memory where it is retained for life. Virtual reality provides testimony that three-dimensional space can be created and stored losslessly in memory.

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There are only 61 people in the world who have been identified as having hyperthymesia. Hyperthymesia (or super memory) is the ability to remember nearly every event of their life with immense precision. Hyperthymesia speaks to the immensity of memory. It's not that Hyperthymesic people have larger memory than we do. We all have Hyperthymesic memory. The difference between them and us is they can recall from this immense store. We cannot. In afterlife, no such restriction exists. Our immense store of memory contains everything - all time and space and everything it contains. The section on Hyperthymesia explains that memory is unlimited in scope for everyone, not just Hyperthymesic people.

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