Evidence: If, even for a brief moment, should an individual glimpse the world from outside their physical body, it stands as a testament to the mind's inherent ability to transform into space.

Variables/Terms: Out of Body Experience, Dimension, Origin, 3-Dimensional Software, Point of View, Conscious, Awareness, Memory, Mind

Out-of-body Experience - An out-of-body experience (OBE or sometimes OOBE) is a phenomenon in which a person perceives the world from a location outside their physical body. An OBE is a form of autoscopy (literally "seeing self"), although this term is more commonly used to refer to the pathological condition of seeing a second self. By Wikipedia [1]

Dimension - (traditional) - A measure in one direction the dimensions of the room specifically: one of three coordinates (X, Y, or Z) determining a position in space or four coordinates determining a position in space and time. Within the context of this discussion (contextual), dimension refers to unlimited extension in all three directions. This would define a space that is unlimited in the X direction, unlimited in the Y direction, and unlimited in the Z direction. Dimension means unlimited space. For example, the present moment is a dimension, which means it is unlimited space in all three directions.

Origin - The intersection of coordinate axes, indicating the center of a space where X is equal to zero, Y is equal to zero, and Z is equal to zero. This point would be shown as (0,0,0) in a coordinate system.

Three-Dimensional (3-D) Software - 3-D software is a type of computer graphics software that enables the design, development, and production of 3-D graphics and animations. 3-D software allows users to visualize, design, and control an object, environment, or any graphical element within a three-dimensional space. 3-D software includes computer-aided design (CAD) programs and animation packages. 3-D software mainly works on the mathematical concept of geometry, where each designed element is mapped into three different axes: X for breadth, Y for length, and Z for depth. 3-D software works by providing users with a different set of functions to design and develop a 3-D image or animation. These include modeling the image or object, layout, animation, and a rendering service. By Techopedia [2]

Point Of View - The position from which the environment is being observed. Point of view, like a camera in three-dimensional software, has an X, Y, and Z coordinate position in the environment. The world is rendered looking through the camera. Like a camera, people observe their world from their point of view.

Conscious - To be aware of one's existence, sensations, thoughts, and surroundings. To be fully aware of and/or sensitive to something. Having one's mental faculties fully active. To know oneself. To be aware of what one is doing.

Awareness - To be alert and awake; not sleeping or comatose. To be aware of one's surroundings, one's thoughts and motivations, etc. Relating to a part of the human mind that is aware of a person's self, environment, and mental activity.

Memory - Thh

Mind (1) - The mind is responsible for all mental phenomena including thought, imagination, memory, will, sensation, perception, pain experience, belief, desire, intention, and emotion. The mind is the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think and to feel, the faculty of consciousness and thought, and a person's intellect. Synonyms are attention, thoughts, concentration, thinking, attentiveness brain, intelligence, intellect, intellectual capabilities, and mental capacity. By Bing [3]

Mind (2) - The Mind is recollection, memory, and element in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons. The Mind is the conscious mental events and capabilities in an organism. The Mind is the organized conscious and unconscious adaptive mental activity of an organism. By Merriam Webster Dictionary [4]

Mind (3) - The mind is the complex of faculties involved in perceiving, remembering, considering, evaluating, and deciding. The mind is reflected in sensations, perceptions, emotions, memory, desires, various types of reasoning, motives, choices, traits of personality, and the unconscious. By Britannica [5]

I. Can Your Point-of-View Move Outside The Body?

1. How Common Is Out Of Body Experience (OBE)?

The shared accounts of countless individuals resonate hauntingly - nearly identical narratives of "near-death" incidents, where consciousness ventures outside the body. In the realm of medicine, scarce yet substantive evidence surfaces, hinting at the infrequent manifestation of the out-of-body phenomenon. Fleeting moments, transient liberation from the corporeal bounds, are suggested. This occurrence, it appears, emerges predominantly in the wake of acute physical or psychological trauma. The person who witnesses this state imparts a perception of suspended animation, a drifting detachment from their body - a state of being where one's physical body is observed from an external vantage point, afloat in the outside world.

The occurrence of the out-of-body experience is not a frequent event, yet it does occur. Its manifestation, although infrequent, has garnered sufficient attention to find its place inscribed within the pages of medical literature, acknowledged as a bona fide medical phenomenon. Within the realm of neurology, those well-versed in the intricacies of the brain's workings recognize the existence of this phenomenon. However, the mystery prevails, leaving many in a state of perplexity. They are often in pursuit of a comprehensive explanation.

2. What Can Cause An Out Of Body Experience?

Acute Stress: Highly acute and severe stressors (car accidents, childbirth, etc.) have been reported to bring about OBEs. These are not reliable mechanisms to induce OBEs, and individual experiences may vary significantly.

Medical Conditions: Some medical conditions, such as epilepsy, dissociative disorders, and brain injuries have also been reported to include OBEs or similar phenomena. These are not reliable mechanisms, but these experiences can happen or be brought about by individual medical conditions.

Psychedelic/Dissociative Compounds: OBEs are never guaranteed in any psychedelic experience. Psychedelic and dissociative compounds, such as ketamine, LSD, psilocybin, DMT, ayahuasca, and others are all able to induce OBEs and are often associated with high-dose or phenomenologically-intense experiences from individuals.

Near-Death Experiences (NDE): OBEs have a strong history of surfacing during near-death experiences, where they are often most notable. There are many reports of individuals feeling like they had left their bodies, moving through tunnels of light, or similar experiences. These experiences are reported during major car accidents, or cardiac arrest before resuscitation.

Sensory Deprivation: Sensory deprivation, such as the use of flotation tanks, or dark meditation retreats, also has the potential to induce or trigger out-of-body experiences.

Written by on May 24, 2021Eric Brown for Mindblown [6]

To catalyze such a transformation, the trauma must possess a magnitude capable of unsettling our customary state of conscious being. The methods to enact such a shift have been expounded upon earlier. A route to this end lies through physical trauma, typified by a jarring collision or a grave affliction. Alternatively, one may immerse the environment in a deluge of hallucinatory apparitions. The degree of trauma required for this profound shift is of a disquieting magnitude, a prospect that evokes fear and thus is, rightfully, avoided. Near-death experiences hold to their definition - it is within the vicinity of death that this mind-as-space transformation takes place. Hence, the rarity of witnessing an out-of-body experience is inherently linked to this stringent condition.

II. Accounts of an Out Of Body Experience (OBE)

1. OBE Case One - Leslie's car hit by vehicle

On January 8, 2002, a car plowed into Leslie's vehicle in which she was riding, her chest was crushed, eight bones were broken and her heart stopped beating for three minutes. Before she was revived, she says she glimpsed the afterlife.

"My next experience was really lying on the ground outside of the car, and it was actually an out-of-body experience that I had"; says Leslie, who declined to give her last name. "I was floating above my body, and I looked down, and I saw all these men working on this poor girl who was down below, about eight feet below me, and she was struggling."

Seven million people have reported hauntingly similar near-death experiences. (By ABC News, January 6, 2006) [7]

2. OBE Case - Michael watched his own heart attack happen.

After heart surgery 10 years ago, Michael, age 35, specifically remembers floating above his hospital bed. Looking down, he saw the nurses frantically moving around him, calling to "grab the paddles." Despite the urgency in the room around him, Michael reports feeling exceptionally calm the entire time. He just floated above, watching. Then, suddenly, it ended. He woke up in the hospital bed with his dad and girlfriend sitting beside him. When he relayed the experience to a nurse later, she laughed and said this was a common experience for cardiac patients who flatline. Michael never considered himself a religious man, but after this experience, he knows there's something in the universe much larger than any of us.

By Audrey Webster The Lineup, Published Nov 24, 2015 [8]

3. OBE Case - Lesley was trampled by more than eight horses at a ranch in Tucson.

31 years ago, Lesley died for 14 minutes after being trampled by horses, but it's what happened in those 14 minutes that many people have a hard time believing, because not everyone has had a near-death experience. "I popped out of my body and I stood about 15 feet away, and this was mind-blowing for me because I didn't have any spiritual inclinations," said Lesley, who wrote the book ' Every Breath is Precious' (buy on Amazon). It was an out-of-body experience for then 36-year-old, as she was trampled by more than eight horses at a ranch in Tucson.

Published April 29, 2019, by Jennifer Martinez's - Reports FOX 10 Phoenix [9]

III. Out Of Body Experience - Is It Real Or Not?

1. Are Out-of-Body Experiences Real, According to Science?

Here is an excerpt from an article entitled "Are out-of-body experiences real?" It attempts to show the current consensus opinion in the scientific community.

Are out-of-body experiences real? At least, this study shows that such unbelievable things are quite possible and are real for the person experiencing them. However, it doesn't provide any evidence that someone is indeed able to leave their physical body. All we know for now is that it's possible to have such a subjective experience in your mind.

Today, experts believe that all these astral travels are nothing more than hallucinations. They are caused by a small glitch in the coordination of neurons responsible for the primary processing and synthesis of incoming information, which most likely leads to confusion between the visual and tactile stimuli that get in the higher centers of the brain.

So are out-of-body experiences real, according to science? They are, but only to the person having them. It's still unclear whether they are just hallucinations or something more tangible. In any case, they are strictly internal experiences, which makes it difficult to establish if it's indeed possible for the consciousness to escape the physical body. Science tends to regard them as hallucinations or brain 'glitches'.

By Anna LeMind, B.A., Post published: March 13, 2014, found here: Are Out-of-Body Experiences Real, According to Science? [10]

2. So Science Regards OBE As Hallucinations Or Brain Glitches. Really?

In an article on Healthline.com, they suggest that around five percent of people have experienced an OBE.

According to accounts from people who've experienced them, they generally involve:

A feeling of floating outside your body
An altered perception of the world, such as looking down from a height
The feeling that you're looking down at yourself from above
A sense that what's happening is very real

OBEs typically happen without warning and usually don't last for very long.

If you have a neurological condition, such as epilepsy, you may be more likely to experience OBEs.They may also happen more frequently. But for many people, an OBE will happen very rarely, maybe only once in a lifetime if at all.

Some estimates suggest around five percent of people have experienced the sensations associated with an OBE, though some suggest this number may be higher.

Medically reviewed by Nicole Washington, DO, MPH - By Crystal Raypole - Updated on July 22, 2022, found here: What Really Happens During an Out-of-Body Experience? [11]

As of 2022, there are approximately 8 billion people on earth. Five percent of 8 billion people is 400 million. So there are 400 million people on Earth who all claim to have experienced an out-of-body experience (OBE). The accounts of the 400 million are all the same. They all saw the same thing. They had the same experience and described it the same way. The accounts are strikingly similar. Doesn't it seem reasonable that if 400 million people saw they saw the same thing, it might be real?

Yet, in light of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, we still have people in the scientific community making claims that OBE is a brain glitch. Is the scientific community going to invalidate the first-hand accounts of 400 million people who have all seen the same thing? Are they telling 400 million people they are wrong? Just because they haven't seen an OBE personally does not mean it isn't real. The fact that they, as an outside observer, don't see a person popping outside of their body does not invalidate the claim. The person going through the OBE, the inside observer, sees themself outside their body. When they describe what has happened to them, the medical community does not listen. They essentially blow it off. We at Proof of Afterlife don't blow them off. We know what they saw because we know the mind can transition from point to space at any time.

4. An Out-of-body Experience Provides Knowledge That Enlightens.

One of the side effects of having experienced an out-of-body experience is a sense of enlightenment. People who have seen their conscious point of view outside their physical body come away with a different sense of life, the world, and their mortality. Something like this opens their mind to the fact that there is more to life than what we see - another dimension, perhaps? Here is a quote from Patty Ray Avalon and William Buhlman about the glow of enlightenment after someone has gone through an OBE.

Out-of-body experiences provide information that teaches us about ourselves as multidimensional beings. The core of these experiences is self-awareness. They take us beyond the limited scope of our five physical senses and open us to the higher dimensional aspects of ourselves.

There are numerous benefits to experiencing conscious out-of-body travel. William Buhlman, noted expert on OB travel and author of 4 enlightening books on the subject notes some of these benefits:

Personal verification of our immortality
A decreased fear of death
Increased psychic abilities
A more expanded concept of self

Out-of-body Experiences Provide Information That Teaches Us About Ourselves As Multidimensional Beings. By Patty Ray Avalon, Monroe Residential Trainer, May 31, 2022, found here: What is an Out-of-Body Experience? [12]

VI. Out of Body Experience: Why It Enlighens

1. What Happens During OBE That Leaves People Feeling Enlightened?

All your life you have experienced your surroundings from the center - the origin. Your point of view is always at the center of the environment. Then, all of a sudden, your consciousness moves outside your body. Rather than seeing the world from a point within your head, you now see the world from the ceiling, looking down on your body. At that moment, you know instantly that your mind is a three-dimensional space. Before OBE you saw yourself at the center of an outside world. You were on the inside of your body, where you reside. During OBE you were on the outside, looking down on your physical body where you used to be.

When your conscious point-of-view moves outside the body, into the environment, you realize, at that moment the mind is a three-dimensional space. It has to be. The conscious point-of-view could not move outside the body if the mind was not space. Seeing the outside world as your mind is far different than seeing the outside world as outside yourself. When this happened to me, my first thought was that I had somehow permanently broken something. I knew my point of view was no longer inside my body. I was unnerved by the notion that I could never get back to where I was - inside my body. I knew the mind was space because I had just moved into it. OBE changes you in that way. When your consciousness moves out of the body into the environment, you realize that your mind is space. OBE happened to me 50 years ago. I never forgot it. OBE is the most profound and religious experience that ever happened to me. Is it enlightenment? Yes, I think so. I was an atheist before this happened. After it happened, not so much. You know there is more to life than meets the eye. It is more than a feeling because you have seen it. It is evidence. I'm no longer an atheist, thanks to OBE. This is not based on faith. It is based on evidence.

2. Illustration of The Mind Inside The Body

Here is an illustration of a man before OBE. His conscious condition is normal. Notice how the conscious mind (point of view) is at the center of the environment, inside the head, where it should be. Notice too that conscious awareness is surrounded by memory. This is the normal, before OBE, condition.

Note that the environment is labeled memory. The reasoning behind this is as follows: During OBE, when the conscious displaces into space, you realize the mind is space. Then that OBE experience gets filed away in memory as it happens. That means the mind as a three-dimensional space gets absorbed into memory. Since memory just absorbed the three-dimensional mind, the conclusion is that memory is surrounding space. Memory is dimension. When you look out at the world, you are looking at your memory. You realize the outside world, at the present moment, moves into memory intact. The illustration shows conscious awareness, inside the head, surrounded by a space that is memory.

Out-of-body experience provides evidence that life is made up of both conscious awareness (point of view) and memory (surrounding space). What makes out-of-body experience possible is that memory is the space around you. During life, our point of view is within our head but it doesn't necessarily need to be so. It can be anywhere within the environment because the environment is inside the mind. The environment is in memory. Essentially, there is no outside world. Everything is inside memory, even when you first experience it.

3. Illustration of The Mind Outside The Body

Since memory is the space around you, yet it is within the mind, it makes it physically possible to have a point of view somewhere outside the physical body. The point of view, while located outside the body, is still located within memory as shown here:

Patients experiencing this phenomenon sometimes describe it as floating above their body. What is happening is their point of awareness has moved from its usual spot to another point within the environment. However, since the environment is in memory this is physically possible. Awareness (during OBE) can move within memory. When it does the patient is dangerously close to the end of life. This would only happen during extreme trauma. It is not normal. Nor can it be induced at will.

When you realize that reality is memory you can see how this can happen. Memory is the space around us. Put another way, we are contained within memory. Memory, being a three-dimensional space, allows the conscious mind to be transported outside the body where it attains a different point of view.

Out-of-body experiences are real. Our point of view moves outside into the world yet it is still contained within memory. Memory as surrounding space allows this to happen.

VI. OBE Illustrated Using Three-Dimensional Software

1. OBE, How Is It Possible?

We're going to clear up 1000 years of medical history in the next five minutes. No, Out of Body Experience is not a hallucination. Nor is it a brain glitch. Using 3-D software we are going to explain exactly what OBE is and how it works.

Here is our collection of partygoers. This is a group of about a dozen people. We are going to focus on the man with the red arrow. He is standing at the edge of the group, talking to a woman while on the phone, looking in toward the center of the group.

Now we have added a camera to the scene. We have placed it inside the man's head. The position of the camera is his point of view. The camera sees what he sees. He is looking at the women directly in front of him with the others in the background.

2. The Point Of View In Time and Space Immediately Before OBE.

This illustration below shows the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the camera within space. The illustration on the right shows the exact moment in time. This provides an exact location of conscious awareness within space at that exact moment. Conscious point of view has a specific location within space and time. It is located at (0,0,0), exactly in the middle of his environment. The space and time point-of-view coordinates are shown in red.

In this view below, we have switched to the view through the camera. We are now looking, from the point of view of the camera located in the man's head, out at his surrounding world. This is what the designated man sees. Notice the people in the foreground including the woman directly in front of him, as well as the others in the group.

Notice also the background has been designated as memory. What we have is a man whose consciousness is located at the origin of his environment looking out at the environment. The environment is his memory. This is the normal human experience - a point of view within the environment looking out at the environment which is his memory. We are right at the moment immediately before he has an Out of Body Experience.

3. OBE As It Is Taking Place

Now we are going to show a global view of OBE as it is taking place. This illustration shows the man at the edge of the group. The lower red dot shows his conscious point of view before OBE. His point of view is from his head, looking out at the world.

Then, in an instant, his conscious point of view moves. Point-of-view moves from a location inside his head to another location behind and above his body. This is OBE taking place. The sensation he would have, witnessing his conscious mind move within the environment, is one of backing up to another location within space.

The red arrow shows that his conscious mind moved. It shows his new conscious point of view, above and looking down on the group and his own physical body.

4. The Point Of View In Space Immediately After OBE.

Now that OBE has ensued, the man sees what is as shown in the illustration below. Be it a stroke, accident, or some other trauma, the man's point of view has changed. You can see where he was before OBE by the red arrow in the illustration. But OBE has caused his conscious awareness to back up into his environment. It has moved upward, above his body. It has also moved slightly back, away from the group. This is his new point of view now after OBE has occurred. He is now located above, looking down at the group and his own body. This is what people witness when they experience OBE.

Now let's look at the conscious point of view coordinates after OBE has occurred


When examining the coordinates, you can see the man's point of view has changed. On the left above, in red, you can see his conscious point of view has moved back one meter in X. It has moved back one meter in Y. It has moved up 5 meters in Z. It is now located above, and back from where he was.

You can see, on the right, that time has advanced one second. Before OBE the time coordinate was 20. Now, after OBE, the time coordinate is 21. It is one second later.

VII. Final Verdict - OBE is Proof of the Mind's Hidden Spatial Dimension

1. Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) Are Infrequent and Brief

In the illustration above, the man is standing at the edge of the group within his three-dimensional space. We showed what the world looks like from his perspective inside his head. One moment everything thing is normal. The next moment he is sitting high above the group looking down at himself and the other people.

OBE does not happen easily. My approach is the conscious mind becomes overwhelmed somehow, be it sensory, pain, etc. As a mechanism to handle the trauma, the conscious mind expands into whatever situation the person is in. OBE is a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon. It is an alternative mechanism to ending the consciousness. The person going through OBE sees themself moving away from the mind's origin into the environment's outer extremity.

When OBE happens it is unmistakable. This isn't a dream state or anything like that. It is the physical moment of point of view within the environment while fully awake. OBE doesn't last long. It is not like you can sit on the edge of your environment for very long. Moreover, when it happens it is hard to remember. Memory is affected and one of the effects is forgetting that OBE just took place. OBE is rare, hard to recall, and difficult to capture. However, it does happen. It is a real phenomenon.

2. OBE Bears Witness to the Mind's Dual Nature

Proof of Afterlife states that the mind has two states. One state is where awareness serves as a point-of-view located at the center of the environment looking out at the world. This is the state we see 99.999999999% of the time during life. The other state is the mind as space. This we see 00.000000001% of the time, if at all, and usually during traumatic brain injury. The vast majority of us never see this second state of being. If you do happen to see it, you will know that it is real. It is unmistakable.

This second state is the mind as memory that surrounds us. To prove the afterlife we need evidence of this second state, the mind as space. OBE, unlike NDE, can happen and we can stay alive. OBE is a transition in three dimensions. The mind exists as a focal point within the environment, and then it flips to its second state and becomes the surrounding space. The mind's dual states make OBE possible. One moment the mind is a point, then the next moment it is space. Then it reverts to point at the center within seconds. It is that fleeting.

People going through OBE experience their mind as space. They usually report OBE as a feeling of being outside their body. What they are experiencing is their mind changing dimension. It feels like they are floating, but the mathematical explanation is their mind went into its second state of being as space. The mind changed dimension. There are thousands upon thousands of eyewitness reports by people who have experienced their mind as space.

Those who have experienced OBE know what they saw. The common theme is space. Before experiencing OBE, you are at the center of your environment. You live with a belief that your mind ends with your head. Everything outside your head is on the outside. The environment is regarded as outside your being. When you experience OBE you have a sense that you are the surrounding space. They remember the moment as their mind being three-dimensional space. All of a sudden, you realize that the outside world is inside your mind. Put another way, the mind extends out into the environment. They report this phenomenon as floating in space, however, what happened was their mind became space.

OBE is full dimensional change in three dimensions. Full dimensional change is the complete transition from point to space. What doesn't change is the dimension of time. Time moves along as normal. Contrast this against NDE. NDE can be a dimensional change in four dimensions - space and time. However, NDE is not a complete dimensional change. A person can get near full-time-space dimensional change but not go through with it. Those who experience NDE talk about seeing loved ones, seeing life in review, etc. They report memory-related experiences. I attribute this to being close to death but not crossing that threshold. The threshold is when time changes dimension. When that happens, the last moment of consciousness changes to become an eternity. We stop short of that during NDE by mathematical definition.

During OBE, however, full dimensional change does take place. This isn't the mind feeling like space. OBE is the mind changing dimension from point to space. The sensation is that of the consciousness backing up in the mind where it is now sitting on the ceiling. Conscious physically moves. When it happens, it is unmistakable. OBE is absolute definitive proof of the mind's ability to change from point to space. All we need to do is listen to, and believe, those people who are telling us of their brief experience when their minds became space.

3. Capturing the Mind as Space into Memory

As a final thought, consider this implication of the mind as space:

1. A person is living life, with their point of view at the center of their environment as it always has been.
2. Then all of a sudden and without warning, the mind expands into space.
3. Their point of view or conscious awareness moves out into this space, outside of and above their body.

This is what is called an out-of-body experience. For the eight percent of us who have experienced OBE, we KNOW this is what happens. We know it because we've seen it, felt it, and experienced it. Even when thousands of people describe the same thing over and over again, doctors will still say this is not happening and write it off to imagination.

This is an important distinction. OBE is not imagination. It is the witnessing of the mind as space. When the mind is space, as it is during OBE, the point of view can be anywhere within that space - not just at the center where it normally is.

Here is the second important point. At the moment of OBE, when the mind is space, it gets absorbed into memory like any other moment. This means the mind as space is captured into memory. That means memory is space too. What are the implications of memory as space? If the mind as space is captured into memory, for every moment of life, that means memory contains physical space. It means the afterlife is filled with everything we have ever experienced during life, whether we were aware of it at the time or not.

Many people believe conscious awareness will be extinguished at the end of life. The exact opposite is true. Instead of conscious awareness being extinguished, it expands in all dimensions of time and space at the end of life. The thousands of evidentiary witnessed accounts of OBE bear witness to it.

Proceed To Proof Of Afterlife Evidence NDE

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out-of-body_experience By Wikipedia
[2] https://www.techopedia.com/definition/93/3-d-software By Techopedia
[3] https://www.bing.com/search?q=the+mind+defined By Bing
[4] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mind By Merriam Webster Dictionary
[5] https://www.britannica.com/topic/mind By Britannica
[6] Written by on May 24, 2021Eric Brown for https://www.mindbloom.com/blog/what-is-an-out-of-body-experience Mindblown
[7] By https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/DrJohnson/story?id=126449&page=1&singlePage=true, ABC News, January 6, 2006
[8] By Audrey Webster https://the-line-up.com/7-out-of-body-experiences-that-changed-lives, The Lineup, Published Nov 24, 2015
[9] Published April 29, 2019, by Jennifer Martinez's - https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/woman-recounts-her-out-of-body-experience-during-a-fateful-day-in-tucson Reports FOX 10 Phoenix
[10] By Anna LeMind, B.A., Post published: March 13, 2014, https://www.learning-mind.com/out-of-body-experiences-are-scientifically-proven-to-be-real/ Are Out-of-Body Experiences Real, According to Science?
[11] Medically reviewed by Nicole Washington, DO, MPH - By Crystal Raypole - Updated on July 22, 2022, https://www.healthline.com/health/out-of-body-experience What Really Happens During an Out-of-Body Experience?
[12] By Patty Ray Avalon, Monroe Residential Trainer, May 31, 2022 https://www.monroeinstitute.org/blogs/blog/what-is-an-out-of-body-experience What is an Out-of-Body Experience?